I swear every single time this game tried to go all "HUMAN BAD, NATURE GOOD" cracked me up, not because I disagree with environmentalism or anything, I just think they did this in an incredibly silly and heavy-handed way here. It's weird because Chrono Cross was released by the same company that made Final Fantasy VII, that game also had environmentalist themes except they were much better handled and more relevant to the plot compared to Chrono Cross' story being this convoluted mess that tries to be a lot of different things but doesn't excel at any of them in particular.

That being said, I do think there are some good isolated moments in the story, the battle system is fun and the sheer atmosphere evoked by the gorgeous art coupled with one of the most beautiful video game soundtracks of all time make this worth playing at the end of the day.

The first pleb filter created in gaming history, followed by Sonic 1 a couple of years later.

Don't let whoever made mission 18 cook ever again

After giving Nuts & Bolts more chances than I should have and always losing interest on it halfway through, I'm thoroughly convinced that Rare's meeting that led to them making this game went something like this:

"ello mates, how about we make THE most boring video game ever and put Banjo and Kazooie in it just for shits and giggles?"

"Oi lmao that's a bloody fantastic idea mate, count us in!"

I appreciate the better controls and the fact that the kill 'em all missions now feel like they were designed by a sane human being, but eh, it's still largely the same game but more polished. My issues with Shadow the Hedgehog are mainly its bland level design where 90% of the time you'll be just holding forward and spamming the shoot button, and the utterly nonsensical story that gets even more confusing when you actually make use of the choice system instead of just following a linear route where you're always doing evil, dark or neutral missions all the way to the end, none of these things are really addressed in this version.

Credit where it's due, I do enjoy a few stages where this mission system is well used, like Lava Shelter, where doing the hero or dark mission will lead you to wildly different paths in the actual stage, with your actions even altering the layout by making the stage more or less flooded by lava. Why isn't the rest of the game like that instead of the same "kill 50 enemies" missions plastered all over the place?

Jesus saved me before, so it's only fair that I save him now.

Why the fuck is the music in this game so absurdly better than everything else about it? Holy shit, the composers did not need to go this hard, but I'm glad they did, otherwise I would never play this all the way to the end.

Man, every single time I try to replay this game I always lose interest somewhere around disc 2

"Hey guys, what if we made every single enemy a bullet sponge while also making ammo more scarce, then fill the game to the brim with sections where you have to deal with hordes of enemies to progress? Wouldn't that be the tits?"

The only reason why I still go back to this game every once in a while is because roughly 10 minutes of it are enough to make me feel sleepy whenever I'm struggling with insomnia.

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No one will ever convince me that having to fight Hollow Knight again just to get another shot at The Radiance is anywhere close to being acceptable. It's not challenging to fight the same boss I already dealt with before, it's just a tedious waste of time in order to artificially make the game longer.

Funny for the first 10 minutes or so.

What is it with these people putting god tier music in atrocious games? Stop, the composers deserve better.

This happened to my buddy Eric

Pretty fun until the game decides it hates your guts in the last couple of stages.