This games so damn fun man, great to play on the plane.

This is the peak of Pokemon fangames. Field effects, charms, and Aevian forms, all make for an incredibly interesting and fresh combat system. The tile setting makes it one of the most beautiful pixelated Pokemon games. The story is absolutely incredible with the lengths it's willing to go for a Pokemon game, especially for the evil route. Characters like Melia, Aelita, and Keta are such well-written and dynamic characters. Rejuvenation feels fresh every time I replay it.

Capcom please let Ethan just live a happy life, this wimpy engineer doesn't deserve this.

Objectively the best mainline pokemon game

Makes Ruby and Sapphire look like shit

Royal puts a cherry on an already perfect dessert. I adore this cast of characters even the lesser-used arcanas. The aesthetic the quick and fun combat, all make this game perfect.

“Don’t be afraid John.” racks shotgun

Good game bogged down by a few really annoying bosses.

Really like it but I wish the combat was faster

Hardest game when I was young. So glad it was still hard 13 years later