Neon White is a weird love letter to the edgy anime aesthetics and writing of the 00's with frankly incredible level design and gameplay. I've seen a lot of people taking issue with the writing, which I get-- but I personally enjoyed it a lot.

The word "cringe" isn't exactly right for what's going on here, it's more like "weeb shit" [affectionate]. Violet (the game's most annoying character), for example acts like a violence obsessed yandere. And, well, she is. Fortunately she's got more going on, but her dialogue can be pretty irritating. Everyone else is fine though.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure your enjoyment of Neon White's story will depend on how much you enjoy that 00's anime styling. It did it for me but probably isn't for everyone.

10/10 perfect game imo

The story is not great. (what is Rosario Dawson doing in this game??) But the drop kick is extremely fun so that takes this game from a 6 to a 7 out of 10.

1\. this game has the most shallow takes on mental health i've seen since last time i opened twitter
2. everyone i've met who's really into this game is the most annoying type of guy that exists
3. if you're going to have accessibility options, the least you can do is not make them insult you for using them

tetsuya nomura is the worst thing to ever happen to final fantasy

The most important aspect of this game is to go into the accessibility options and turn on the "make the game fun" button which disables the puzzle aspects. Now, this may seem like a rag against the developers-- it is not. But putting all of your shitty boyfriend's stuff in the shower and having a running joke about the "poop knife" is what made this game truly shine when playing it with friends.

This game wants so badly to be an indie darling like KRZ or Umurangi Generation and falls flat every step of the way. It has some okay moments, some nice cinematography, but overall just falls flat. Dropped after what felt like 5 hours of overwrought teen romance in a side story.

Halo works pretty well as an open world, I just wish 343 had done a little more with it. The game plays fine, story's mediocre-- it's about everything you'd expect from a modern Halo.

Also: The suit jacks him off. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

This game fucks. The game is essentially the experience of being a background character in the End of Evangelion. It's about making cool art with your cool friends at the end of the world. And, of course, you still have to go to work while the world is ending. Because what else can you do? You're not a mech pilot, you're just some asshole with a camera.

The game gives you a surprising amount of freedom with the photography, and if you care enough to get creative you could spend a lot of time getting some really cool shots. If you don't care much about getting Artsy(tm), you can bang this one out in about 90 minutes. The photo bounties are a little arbitrary, but not terribly frustrating, and making an interesting composition of the word "gamer" repeated 7 times can be an interesting challenge. I can't say that there's much personal appeal in collecting all the film canisters or getting the harder bonus objectives, but if you want to do it, it's there. If not, you won't miss anything.

this game sucks ass, please stop making werewolf the apocalpyse content i am begging you paradox


This game has the dumbest twist I've ever been subjected to. It can't take a moral stance to save its life, and the writers were allergic to saying anything of substance. Plus it sexualizes children, but that's really par for the course with this series.

The real phantom pain comes from this game's missing third act.

john halo and his vocaloid waifu Finish The Fight(tm)

It's amazing that Cage managed to get Ellen Paige and Willem Dafoe for this game. I truly feel sorry for them for having been subjected to this script.

I could write about how awful and offensive this game is, but really, it's not worth it. It's utterly hilarious to watch or play. Best enjoyed with friends to shit all over, together.