when I was younger I asked a mall santa for “donkey kong” and I got this for christmas that year. His bitch ass knows that I was asking for something else but I learned to appreciate the puzzles for the love of the sport.

this game is pretty SUS!!! like if you get the reference

I like how it says cum but that’s it

No one came to my hot dog stand so I’m holding all the customers hostage in a box with a merry go round as their only entertainment until they apologize and then I may grant them mercy

I have like 1500 hours in this game so at least a 9 is probably obligated

Love any platforming game, and while this is fun to go through, there’s not much else to it. Definitely my favorite of the “modern rage game” genre that getting over it piloted.

Satisfying and fun at first but after the second mission you literally spend a full hour on each mission and that’s way too much for this to not get old

holy peak why is a text only game from 2023 so good and addicting

put all my money into circuit city stock and then killed myself

Super fun game with great combat, elements, and overall gameplay. There’s a ton of unique playable characters to level up, too. All the BOTW stuff is a nice touch also. But man, I really want to play this on something that can actually run this at more than 15-30fps, 720p.

I’ve ALWAYS wanted this game, but since it requires the motion sensor in the cartridge, you have to play it with an authentic cart. I am now $90 in debt and really excited.

Honestly, I expected the motion sensor to be a lot worse. It’s really accurate, especially for a GBA game in 2004. Playing this on an Analogue Pocket (not to brag) is such a fun experience. I’ve played every WarioWare game at this point, and I kinda feel like this is the one I’ll return to the most. I still love mega microgames for its simple pick up and play minigames, I’ll still love smooth moves for being super creative and maybe the peak of the franchise, and I’ll still hate mega party games for gypping me into thinking it’s different than the gba one. BUT this one just offers so much more new stuff. The vibrating is also fun too idk it’s like the HD rumble in the joycons. Also there’s not the paper plane minigame (or any other of the extras) in it so that’s sad :(

I’m not sure if the $90 I spent on this loose cartridge is necessary worth it, but it’s such a cool addition to my collection.

anyone else played this game for like 20 hours in the week it released then only a couple hours before the end just dropped the game and haven’t picked it up since then

(edit 4 > 4.5 i loved it though)

why does this have such a low rating it’s pure castlevania fun with a cool and new card (DSS) system