If you can ignore toothpaste-kun/chan and a very shallow plot -filled to the brim with every trope you can think of which you can guess everything that will happen- you will find arguably the best gameplay in the series. Not to forget a good soundtrack that really fits the game, some of the tracks are really bangers.

to say that a whole generation grew up with this game wouldn't be an exaggeration

One of the best video game fiction I've ever experienced. The writing is incredibly complex and filled to the brim with plot twists. And I am shocked that I really enjoyed the gameplay 'till the end, which seemed really boring at first glance.

really good game but I just can't get invested in the story knowing that whatever happens in this game will not amount to anything. I just want a gameverse with new stories and new characters that is disconnected from the Skywalker Saga but I guess that is too much to ask.

I am literally flabbergasted that no one actually ever talks about this game. This is truly a masterpiece.

I didn't play the game and I probably won't but I just wanted to say that this game has a banger soundtrack.

banger soundtrack, but that's it.

What can I say, the best pokemon game and you get to play it a second time in the form of a sequel.

N's gotta be enough to play this game. Best pokemon game and probably will continue to be so.