A little up its own ass, but I'd be remiss to say this didn't have me and my friends theorizing the plotline for weeks after we all finished it. The gameplay is a little milquetoast, but this is a quality game and anybody who says otherwise is is also up their own ass.

Amazing Pac-Man game. Ghost-chains OP.

My least favorite of any of the Sly games I played, and the only one I didn't finish. I think this was a case of bigger isn't always better, and I found myself growing tired of playing it before the game was over.

Fun arcade 3D asteroids type game. Was addicted to this one for a while after the ApocalyPS3

Really good golf game. Played the shit out of Augusta on this one.

This game is an utterly forgettable 3rd-person co-op shooter that I didn't even remember I played.

An OK add-on but nothing special.

Interesting puzzle adventure game that was really unique, but a lot of the puzzles were too abstract to fully understand. I practically played this game with a walkthrough open.

Another fun entry into the Sly Cooper games with some interesting gameplay styles introduced with all of the different raccoons you get to play as. Looks good and the gameplay is tight.

Interesting game that seems simple but becomes complicated quickly. This game has a lot to say about society. The weird run-based nature of the game made me drop it after only 2 runs, but I can appreciate this game for what it is.

Turned the franchise into a GTA clone, but a good one. The driving around the city is fun and the story is weird. Some ridiculous difficulty spikes keep the game from being top tier, but a good and fun game nonetheless.

Really good 3D platformer with fun environments. Quite different from what the series turned into, but still fun.

This is the only Hitman game I've really played, and I understand that it's not a good indicator of what the games are meant to be, but I still had a good time with it. Nothing incredible, but still pretty fun.

Started out promising, but halfway through the campaign I was over it (but finished it anyway). Franklin was the most interesting character, but he gets sidelined once Trevor shows up, and unlike a lot of people (at least at the time it came out), I thought Trevor was obnoxious. The heists were interesting but they never really grew into anything phenomenal.

My first walking simulator, and still one of the best ones. The tension of walking around a deserted house during a thunderstorm and trying to figure out where everybody has gone was incredibly well done. I had anxiety going up to the attic the first time I played it.