I've played entirely too much Smash Ultimate, and I'm still not sure how I feel about it. It's a lot of fun when it works, but the online matchmaking is appalling and I find myself extremely frustrated with a lot of the newer characters.

Really enjoyed it, but never went back to it after the 'twist'. Maybe resource management just stresses me out too much.

Only played for a couple of hours. I recall really appreciating it but it was intense.

Played a ton of this in co-op mode. Loved the depth, the environments, the intense battles with wild outcomes (oops we set everything on fire again), but found the story and the choices getting a bit muddy (if that makes sense). I reckon we set this down because as we approached Arx the loading times got incredibly long (up to 5 minutes), and so dying or restarting or the game crashing became a very frustrating experience.


Cute little puzzle game. Not a ton of depth, but an intriguing core mechanic and some characters and conundrums.

I mean it's an idle game. I enjoyed it to an extent, appreacited the aesthetic and little puzzles, but it got dull after a while and it was sucking up a ton of my brain power.

Fun little mobile puzzler, very cute. Started to feel quite samey and ocassionally abitrarily difficult. IIRC they're bringing out a big overhaul soon so maybe I'll check it out again.


Very pretty, lovely soundtrack, but beyond that a fairly straightforward platformer with #indiegamedepressionmetaphor vibes.

The port is a bit janky, but I had a ton of fun with this. Easy to see why it's a classic with such an instrinsically joyful core mechanic and a tremendous soundtrack. (warning: playing this literally melted the thumbsticks on my gamepad... I mean it was on the way out anyway but the left one is no longer circular)

I'm ambivalent about this one. I loved the vibe and exploring, the cooking minigames were neat and I did enjoy the fishing and writing, but by ~6 hours in I'd gotten to grips with it all and it started getting a bit repetitive. The final straw was when I hit a bug (stuck in the shop UI) that meant I'd lose like an hour of gameplay and I just gave up and watched the rest on a Let's Play. Also, shout out for including pronoun selection for you and your partner (even if some NPC dialogue doesn't seem to account for it)


I really loved Sable. It captures everything I love in open world exploration games -- lonesome treks across the map, meeting new people, exploring new areas. The environments were stellar, I loved the ships and the lightning village and the giant bridge.

It was only marred by a few quirks with the controls and graphics, and the fact that I didn't realise there were stamina upgrades until I was almost done lol. And also that I only found the hidden temple right at the very end, and had to leave the game running for about an hour before I could finish it.

Minus points for very awkward controls, feeling a bit 'on rails' at times, and not doing more with the EMMIs, but otherwise an incredible and atmospheric game with some unbelievably good boss fights.

A really neat core concept with a lot of variability in the different weapons. The beast designs were great and the levels very satisfying, but I'd have preferred the game to focus on that and be a bit more arcade-y. I didn't love the characters, and every time I had to talk to someone or search the map it felt like a chore. I just wanted to smash some blocks.

Beautiful art, lovely music. Interesting and initially mind-blowing core mechanic which could have been played with a bit more, but for the short length of the game held its own. Rather bland story that felt like it was getting in the way a bit.