31 Reviews liked by andrewnebz

doom 1993 but with more bullshit and one new gun

I didn't really like this one when I first played it but last year I did a co op run with some friends and it just clicked. I get it.

Played it here too yup no ones surprised just checking of every platform like a psycho

Saw this on FB marketplace for $40 and felt like I literally robbed a guy

a galaxy port and 2 games i will never play

it was worth the money!!

Overall: This game is great if you have friends to play with. Unfortunately, there is some work needed if you want to play solo or in duos. The game has a high skill curve so something you need to put hours and hours in. I have thousands of hours in CSGO and I play in an ESEA league for CS2. I'll keep playing, despite it's faults... it's a game we keep on playing.

- Large player base
- High skill cap, Silver -> Global Elite / MMR and then Faceit up to Lvl 10 / MMR.
- Variety of map pools.
-MR12 so quicker games.

- Large mean player base.
- Difficult to learn.
- Matchmaking is difficult due to MMR being broken. High chance to play against higher MMR players or potentially lower MMR.
- Players have a generic negative attitude with low to no comms.

Cave Story is a dearly beloved game of mine, I never truly beat despite my love. I simply sucked too much at video games to ever actually get the best ending as a teenager, but after starting it up to see the Halloween sprites this year and realizing how much was resprited I accidentally started a new playthrough that ended up being one where I actually beat the full game.
One of my favorite games, and definitely one of the best indies out there, the fact that the original game in 2004 was the spawn of just one man in his free time is a true testament to what indies are.
If you wanna play it, play the freeware version or buy it used, also please buy Kero Blaster!!

Abandon hope, all ye who enter here.

Andrew Hussie should be executed by the state

Stars someone who breaks into houses while high on crack by his own admission and peer pressures people into doing drugs. Not a good influence for kids!

Ocarina of Time 3D manages to fix all the small nitpicks I've had with the N64 version (like having to constantly open the menu to equip the iron boots in the water temple) and is probably the best way to experience the game these days.

It's kind of funny what sincere care for the mythos of a character can do for an adaptation. Beyond being a blast to play this game also tells one of the best Spider-Man stories. Everyone hates the stealth sections so I won't get into that but most everything else is seriously such a nice experience to play that really shows what cinematic games can be if they focus on being games first.

they really should of added Gerard Way