The aesthetic, story and character designs are on point, the only reason why I don't give it a 5* is because I haven't finished the main story, I'm not sure what to expect, but so far so good <3

Started playing with my friends and I have to say it has potential, the difficulty is there and so is the entertainment that comes along with it. For it's price it's an okay game if you and your squad wanna do something. Sadly it only supports a party of 4, so if you're more than that, you'll have to cut some people off or take turns.

music and waifus, perfectly balanced.
But seriously, one of my favorite rhythm games, and if we compare it to other payed music games, this one would be one of your cheapest options since you can buy all of the DLC's in one go and after that you'll keep receiving the following updates ^^

It's fun to play with your friends for a while, it gets boring easily. And now after 2 years of it's release, the developers made it free, lowkey salty about buying it now

It has a lot of potential, love collecting lil plants as my children, I gave them all a lot of love.

Listen... It's actually addicting.

This franchise means so much to me, Nintendo isn't exactly the best company but Legend of Zelda will forever have a special place in my heart, with the release of BOTW in 2017 so much has changed since then, and all I can say is, I always go back to this game. I love it so much.

Legend of Zelda will always have it's special place in my heart. The gameplay can be a bit wonky but if you're playing for the nostalgia then it's perfect.

Nintendo we need a remastered version.

I was expecting more from this game, I was disappointed and got tired of it super easily, it's not exactly worth it's price either.

Extremely lovely story, I wish I could go back and play it for the very first time again.

Undertale will forever be hard to describe, my love for this franchise is huge. I've played and replayed it countless times, each time feels different and my love for the characters only grows stronger. This game teaches you so many things about real life, metaphors that will change your point of view in so many things. Not to mention how amazing and lovely Toby Fox is, a kind soul and a genius like mind, the soundtracks he created for this game are masterpieces. It deserves all the hype and love.

I have to admit this was better than the first chapter, more character depth and more gameplay time, new mechanics and cool new characters. I can't wait for more <3

The first chapter was extremely short, of course that it's only natural since it's, well, chapter 1. Despite all of this, the love I have for Toby Fox's new creation is huge and I'm so hyped for the whole game. Love reading and making theories <3