Overall it's just a fun game to play and my go to whenever I'm in the mood for a strategy game. It's a very strange idea for a crossover and the characters are actual historical figures, but that makes it stand out as a Pokemon game.

The only downsides I'd say are the story and your progress gets reset during each episode, but the story doesn't affect the gameplay and the resetting is something you get used to and can make it so the game is easy to pick up again after a long break. Though it's understandable this style might not be for everyone.

It might either be very enjoyable or the absolute worst for completionists depending on how you go about it, but I have 100 hours over the course of 5 years on this profile and I'm just three episodes away from 100%.

Your enjoyment of this game would really depend on what your preferences are but for me personally it's just fun and I love a game I could not play for a year and then easily come back to.

I don't know why this game is so much fun for me but it is. I can understand why people might not like it and it can be challenging (and you do need the wiki up since the game doesn't explain anything for you), but once you get going then it's just fun to try to survive, build your base, and explore.

They took the first game and expanded on it extremely well, nearly all the characters were interesting and the gameplay was overall fun, and most of the payoffs felt satisfying. It never felt too difficult or too easy. This was the game that made me understand why people like Miles Edgeworth.

The only part of it I didn't like was the logic chess but it could be better with a few tweaks. Case 3 was also too slow in some areas but there's always one of those in an Ace Attorney game and the other cases carry it.

I also played the fan translation and except for a few glitches with the text speed and saving it felt really authentic. The character voices were all spot on and the translation team did a fantastic job.

The third case was bad enough that it drops it down quite a bit but aside from that the other cases are pretty good. I'd really recommend just skipping through Turnabout Big Top. The final case is one of the best in the series and could arguably be considered the best.

The magtama and profile systems made the game a little more difficult and confusing in some areas, but a lot of AA games are like that.

I also appreciate Franziska Von Karma for how over the top she is. She's like a mary sue but it's fantastic .

Has almost all very solid cases with the exception of the third, which can be skipped over. All loose ends in the previous games are tied up in the final case and the flashback cases are handled well, and it was a good conclusion for the storyline that was built up.

Godot is just a bit of a meh prosecutor and I don't really understand why people like him except for looking cool, but he was at least fun to make fun of while playing and so he didn't take anything away from it. He did have some good moments though.

Not bad for a first chapter but did leave me feeling "that was it?" afterwards. It didn't manage to strike the heart that Undertale had and the story presented was confusing, but it is just the first chapter and I'd probably feel the same way if Undertale was just the ruins or even just Snowdin.

The new gameplay is fun and I love how much it expands on the combat mechanics of Undertale, and I'd like to see how future chapters might expand on it.

Though while not bad for a first chapter and might be more fun if played in a full game, it is boring on its own. I did have more fun playing it and then playing Chapter 2 though.

Chapter 1 was a bit dull but then this chapter comes out of nowhere and makes me invested in the story. The humor was solid, the characters were intriguing, and I'm very curious where the story is going and what the meaning is behind what they're setting up.

As far as character development goes it handles it extremely well, and the bad route even expands on this in a way that's chilling and very effective in highlighting what the message of this chapter is. The paralleling character arcs was also well handled in my opinion.

What keeps it from being a full 5 stars for me is that it isn't complete and I don't like Ralsei as much, but Ralsei doesn't take anything away and the game not being complete is a given with this release style.

I didn't think I'd like it as much as I did because I hate large time gaps where every character is different now, but it grew on me and in retrospect it did make for an interesting story. The overarching story in this game is also interesting and the main characters are solid, Apollo is probably one of my favorite characters in the series and Klavier is a refreshing prosecutor.

The sprite art for this game is also probably my favorite of any AA game. The character design really stands out.

The game though does suffer from the issue of it not being clear where you should go and not being able to progress because you missed one little detail in examining. Case 2 was also just uncomfortable (please stop talking about a 15 year old girl's underwear) and case 3 dragged a lot.

I love the new mechanics and the characters are all great, but the game is extremely slow and all the cases drag on far more than they should. It also has one of the most boring final cases and it's never good when you finish a game and your first thought is "thank god it's over".

The flashback case was probably my favorite in this game, the interactions between Edgeworth and Franziska were great. Kay is also one of my favorite characters in the series and she's such a great assistant character to have working with Edgeworth.

I wish the storyline was more interesting because otherwise this would be a fun game, but they fix all the issues in AAI2. If you want to play this before AAI2, the final case can be skipped over or done with a strategy guide.

A good first entry which introduces solid characters and storyline which are all for the most part compelling. The courtroom drama inspirations where clear and executed in a way that's entertaining, and made a good base for the games to follow.

Though Rise from the Ashes has the exact same problems Apollo Justice had where progressing is difficult because you need to check off multiple things before the game lets you go and there's not a lot of indication, not to mention how long it is, but that's about the worst I can say about it.

It's not that good but at least I can say it's entertaining. It has explosions, a NASA parody, yokai, which granted might just appeal to me personally, but the worst thing a game can be to me is boring and it kept my attention far longer than SoJ and was at least fun. It also introduced a couple cool characters and it at least had potential with poor execution.

The 3D is rough and the characters weren't very expressive. It also undid a lot of the development done in AA4 and flat out ignored some of the things introduced in that game, so as a sequel it's not good.

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I really don't understand why people like this. The best I can say is that Maya's return was great, it had cool concepts with the spirit channeling and some cool twists, but the execution was very poorly done. Rayfa was also an interesting character but I wish she was done better and Nayhuta was both boring and frustrating.

The pun names are bad and felt lazy, and it does a very poor job with worldbuilding and developing a culture by leaning on puns and only going as far as the country's government and religion and failing to develop on anything further, and the way Phoenix acted as a tourist was awful to watch.

Like Dual Destinies, it also undid a lot of AA4 and that's very apparent with Trucy and Apollo, and it fails as a supposed ending to Apollo's character arc by introducing a backstory out of nowhere only during the final case. Athena is also treated as incompetent as both a lawyer and a psychologist and it was just frustrating. It had most of the same problems as DD and I don't quite get why DD is so hated but SoJ is so loved.

I will give it credit though for having a decent system character but it had a weird issue where the character themselves were fine, but everyone around them was just awful with calling them personalities and forcing them to switch. Which I guess is accurate to real life tbf but Athena as a psychologist I'd hope would know better.

I don't normally like to rag on games this much but I really can't understand why people like it.

The only reason I rate it so high is because the glitches on this game are super fun and there are many you can do with little effort, and you can get started much faster than Red/Blue. I probably wouldn't recommend this to anyone though unless you want to tear this game apart and have a team full of the video game equivalent to eldritch abominations.

Pikachu following you is also cute and a nice little touch through the game. It's really not that bad given the hardware limitations but as far as vanilla game goes then GSC would be a better play, but this is also the game that has a glitch Pokemon you can use to turn other Pokemon into hybrids and has multiple glitch Pokemon with a move that is a destroy the game button.

I played emulated with speed ups and save states because otherwise this game would be awful, but with that in mind why is a game designed to sell trading cards so good