A grotesque insult to one of the best games of all time. Imagine kicking out the people who made the game to begin with and inserting a shitty photo mode that only exists to be viral and trendy. And even beyond my ideological distaste for it it's also just barely functional. The dialogue editor is practically unusable and completing any action takes at least two more clicks than it should. Incompetently made garbage.

Abandon hope, all ye who enter here.

As someone who is very close to platinuming this game, you do not get to tell me DMC2 "isn't that bad" or "is better than most bad games." Fuck you. DMC2 isn't just a terrible game, it's probably the worst video game of all time (that isn't low hanging fruit like Big Rigs, Superman, etc.) Nothing in this stupid-ass video game works or responds in any way you'd think it would. And when you combine that with some of the worst boss design the series, nay the genre or perhaps the medium you get a garbage pile of an unplayable mess of a game. Play DMC2 on Dante Must Die and tell me you think this game "isn't that bad."

I don't blame anyone who worked on this game for how bad it is. I understand the circumstances they were under. But DMC2 would just be forgettable trash if it wasn't preceded by the game that pioneered the entire action game genre as we know it today and succeeded by the greatest action game of all time. And if you're wondering "well Backloggd user lunaterra, if you hate DMC2 this much then why are you spending so much time platinuming it?" Well, the answer is my masochistic tendencies in regards to video games mostly. And also because I wanted to 100% the whole DMC series and I know that if I didn't do DMC2 first I would never do it. Am I insane? Perhaps. But what's more insane is that Capcom saw this game and thought "Yep, this is acceptable." and not "Holy shit, this is literally worse than smallpox we need a delay." But DMC2 sold like two million copies so I guess they were vindicated ¯⁠\⁠⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠⁠/⁠¯

who the fuck is leaving 1 star reviews on cookie clicker of all games

Good, but aged really poorly in certain aspects. Especially that final boss, wtf were they thinking lol. Excited to see what the rest of the series has to offer though, when this game is fun it's REALLY fun. It's just held back really hard by a ton of 90s game design relics.

I don't think I'm very excited for Elder Scrolls 6 anymore.

Maybe the first game to truly master the concept of rhythm meeting action. Hi-Fi Rush constantly feels amazing to play with an endearing cast of characters and surprisingly emotional story. Played on Game Pass but I'm definitely gonna double dip and pick this one up on Steam at some point. It's like the best parts of Metal Gear Rising with none of the baggage and some of its own flair. Just a purely fun game from start to end. I'm honestly shocked Bethesda didn't think this was worth advertising at all. It's absolutely worth your time and even if you're not a fan of rhythm games I'd still give it a go.

EDIT: Apparently the lack of announcement and marketing was Tango Gameworks' choice. They wanted to shock people with such a radically different title coming from them and they definitely delivered. Fantastic game all around. Probably gonna be one of if not the best of the year.

playing this game feels like you're covered in oil in a bathtub

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I'm not sure if I really connected with the emotional narrative going on here much at all. It's decently written, don't get me wrong. The draw of the dead friend and unfinished map is strong but I think it lost me a bit with the Creepypasta Haunted Game leanings. It's a fun throwback to that era of internet horror but it's not exactly gripping to me, and if anything I feel like the supplementary material takes away from the atmosphere. My enjoyment of My House comes much more from the quality of the craftsmanship. This is one of the best DOOM maps I've seen in my 10 or so years of being invested in DOOM.

The use of GZDOOM's new engine features to craft such a seamless and immersive experience that wouldn't have been possible when I started really getting interested in DOOM. It's an absolute love letter to the community and the game that I've loved for so long. This is an aspect of My House that I think can easily be missed for someone who wasn't much a fan of DOOM and its custom mapping scene prior to playing. There's so many fun little references to community trends and jokes. It's a treat to go through.

The map design itself is phenomenal. My House dedicates itself to pushing DOOM to its limits. One particular room that stood out to me was the playground behind the daycare. I've never seen such a foreboding and thick tone portrayed in DOOM. Another that really stuck out to me as fantastic was the bathhouse. My House excites me to see what visuals come from creators using GZDOOM for their games in the future.

I think even if you aren't a fan of certain aspects of the mod's story or aesthetics you can't deny how well put together it is. Sure it may inspire some copycats but I really think it'll also probably lead to a renaissance for DOOM. We're gonna see some of the best maps this game will ever see over the next few years. I can feel it.

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A swan song for a dying world. The revolution came and went, and you missed it. The liberals have won. Ecological collapse is imminent. The fascists use capitalism to kill minorities and the poor. There was a dream of a better world. And the dream is gone.

But you're still here. A broken person. A paragon. A villain. A philosopher. A drunk. A will to live. A longing. Longing for Elysium. The world is so beautiful and fragile. We must protect it. We must exploit it. We must destroy it. You have the will to change everything. It's your duty, your purpose even. It's why you were put here. But first you have a job to do. The lights dim for a moment. Your head hurts. And you awaken.

Disco Elysium is a one of a kind experience. Taking the role of an amnesiac detective, you must solve the mystery of a lynching in an old yard behind a hotel. It's a story of redemption. Or of self destruction. You meet your partner. He's your compass. All he can do is point you in a direction but it's up to you to follow. The people of Martinaise live their lives with sadness and regret. Living out of old bombed out apartments from the revolution.

History courses through the veins of Revachol. Bleeding out like a viscous ichor at every turn. Everyone and everything has a story to tell. An account of a mad king. An execution. A failed business. A child's bliss. Dead parents. A bitter and hateful old man who never moved on. The world breathes information and rewards curiosity with knowledge.

Even the worst of us hold nuances. A fascist gunman becomes soft when remembering the color of his brother's eyes. A child torn apart by drugs and abuse has a spark of creativity in his soul. A genocidal messiah loves games and figurines. A drunk detective has the capacity for love. There's a gap in the scales of every dragon.

Despite how bleak the world is, you can still find beauty. You can choose to live and love living. Find beauty in love. In camaraderie. In nature. In music. In helping a group of aimless kids build their dream. In an old church dedicated to a woman responsible for countless death and suffering. In the club built inside its hallowed walls. Disco Elysium.

Find hope despite knowing everything will disappear one day. It will disappear into that thick fog. The fog of unreality. So make the best of the time that's left. It could be centuries or days. You choose the kind of person you want to be. There was a dream of a better world. And the dream is gone. But you can create a new dream. So what will you dream?

The gear system is awful and the combat could've used some more polish. Let's get that out of the way. But God of War's commitment to immersion and storytelling is where it truly shines. Admittedly I could never get into the Greek trilogy, gameplay wise. I still wanna give them another go and I love their narrative but I think God of War 2018 made the right call by changing its gameplay so radically. The slower pace allows for more character moments and time to breathe between big fights. I appreciate how much Kratos and Atreus get to just... talk. Without plot happening all the time there's lot of small moments where their contrasting personalities can clash. I can definitely get why someone would think this game was a step in the wrong direction but it just worked perfectly for me. Perhaps a weird comparison but it kind of reminded me of Half-Life in some ways while I was playing it. Half-Life of course is much more gameplay driven and doesn't have as much padding as God of War, but the way you see Kratos's point of view from start to finish and it never breaks from this is something that really reminds me of that old school immersion driven kind of game design that we don't really see a lot in AAA games anymore. I don't know if Santa Monica were influenced by that game at all but it stuck out to me a bit. I think if you played just one of these big cinematic PlayStation exclusives, God of War is definitely the one to go for.

I could go super into why I think this game is disappointing but honestly, it's already everyone's favorite game of the year so anything I could say would be dust in the wind. Poor enemy variety, poor dungeon design, underbaked gameplay mechanics, annoying ui design, everything about this game just feels underwhelming to me. I prefered BOTW by far.

This is secretly the best Zelda game. It's so easy to pick up but still offers some good and fun challenge. Not to mention having the coolest story of any Zelda in my opinion. Sometimes a simple narrative is the most effective. And searching for the game's Collectable Dibby feels satisfying and rewarding as you get genuinely good upgrades to all of your gear if you collect them all. Great game. The best game even perhaps.

pretty solid lego entry. main reason i like this one is because all of the obscure characters it digs up for the roster, since they couldn't use x-men