i liked this game when it came out because i had never played a zelda game before. since then i've touched up on a few titles. comparatively, this game is very shallow in its dungeons and puzzles, which is a good portion of what made zelda what it is.

however, the open world this game holds is a triumph in its own right. where this game lacks in mechanical depth it somewhat makes up for with an insanely vast open world in a scale i dont think ive seen previously. exploring in this game is very fun, and the non linear spine of the game is cool in only how bold of a choice it was to make.

a players freedom of choice is something i believe is very important to this medium, and this game certainly allows for complete freedom to play however. yet, it lacks the bones this series is known for, and doing anything required to progress the story turns out to be very shallow.

i beat this game ages ago, so i dont really have anything specific to say.
its pretty a par for the course yakuza game, the only outstanding gripe i had with it is that some bosses feel near impossible to beat without being stacked on heals.
regardless. the story is good, the side missions are still very fun, and majima antics are at an all time high. do reccomend


the game was fun for the duration me and my friends play it, but the amount of coordination it took was genuinely infuriating. its hard, but in a way that feels almost detrimental to the game. my loadout had been restricted to what the game deemed decent and using anything off meta resulted in a near immediate fail. the balancing is not good.

the concept is really cool, but if youre not playing with a group of seal team members you will probably not get very far.

im not a big fan of arena shooters. i fully get the appeal, but this game feels very bland after a while, and something feels fundamentally off. i cant finger a specific example, but something about the core gameplay loop feels off. also the platforming is genuinely terrible.

fun pve hoard shooter.
the main issue with this game is it's lack of content. as it stands, the enemy types start to feel samey after a few rounds, and the weapon variety right now is somewhat scarce.
very fun game otherwise

I firmly believe that this is the greatest tactical stealth game ever made, mechanically. I don't entirely like this games jungle setting, as I far appreciate the earlier games urban area, but regardless this game exceeds in places most games do not.

really solid gameplay engine, however the story literally isnt finished. also has that 2016 AAA videogame layer of crust

i fucking love xenoblade chronicles. both 1 and 2 are some of my favorite games of all time, and i hail 1 as one of the greatest games ever made.

This game is short of either. It is far from the masterpiece anyone tells you it is. It is a lukewarm 60% at BEST and it baffles me that anyone can say it's something more than that.

Everything that the series has been known for narratively has been absolutely diminished, the antagonists suck, the main characters story arc sucks, and the game holds back from being soul crushingly depressing.

It could have been good. Everything is right there! Yet somewhere, somehow, it just fucking sucks. The only thing this game has going for me is A: the graphics/artstyle, B: the really well rounded main cast, and C: the gameplay, and thats a kind of.

I could go on for fucking ever on how this game has disappointed me immeasurably, but I don't really want to. Lord pray that the DLC is on the same par as Torna.

i dont really do mobile games but i like this one a bit. eventually you hit a wall that requires you to do an absurd amount of grinding but other than that its ok

It has been over a year. The bones are still excellent. But the content drought is fucking abysmal. 1 gun has been added to the game since. It has been too long 343. It is too late to fix this sinking ship.

id suck kojimas dick honestly this game is incredible

titanfall and risk of rain fucked and had a child. its pretty alright