If you like paper mario, you must play this game. The story is great, the characters are interesting, and I love the art style so much.

Great art style, characters, and music. The story is pretty cool with a time loop...

However, it is still very much a ln RPG Maker game. I have spent 500+ hours in that program, so all of the defaults they used and the battle system just seemed so bleh to me. Like they have custom music but didn't go for custom sounds? It annoyed me a ton..

Maybe I'll play the sequel. We'll see.

Fun game, but very simple. The fairy/spirits make the game too easy.

Play this if you can. Such a good game!

Played it with my wife after the fallout TV show. I played this a ton as a kid and it was a blast to play it again. My wife gives it a 3/5, she's not a fan of shooter but liked the story and the alternative paths.

So good! I hope future pokemon games are like this one!

Fun RPG. Luigi is hilarious in this one!

Hard as hell game, very much like L4D. If you like L4D, play it!

A decent Zelda game. Gotta love Goose too!

A very fun platformer. Can be unfair at times, and tricky to control. Overall blast though.

Very quick game. Very true to the OG title though.

Look. Ik. "GOTY" game here. But.. the story was hard to follow, and it really did feel like BOTW again, and not in a good way. Game also studdered more than BOTW. The story also didn't adapt if you learned specific information, which was really annoying to me.

Played this for nearly another 100 hours. My God is this game a masterpiece.

Story was decent, gameplay felt like more of the same. Ending was really cool. I hope Bayonetta 4 is better.