One of the greatest games in the Trails series. An amazing end to the Crossbell arc with one of the craziest stories ever and being able to close this duology perfectly.

One of the games to cement this series as one of my favorites forever. If you're reading this and wondering if you should hop on this series, then you definitely should and start all the way from Sky for the ultimate payoff and get ready for an adventure because even past this game is even more greatness and insane payoff.

This game does everything perfectly as a climax end to this arc as it does have an epilogue type of game like trails 3rd, but it is later on, and the payoff is amazing for people who play in order. The characterization is off the charts from characters introduced in the first Crossbell game and the stakes get even higher. Everything about this game is perfect, just perfect.

Lloyd Bannings. One of the many hearts of Trails Series itself.

The end of the Kiryu Yakuza Saga. One of the greatest games ever made.

Song Of Life.

The meaning of life theme is shown throughout the game through Haruka, through Kiryu and a few select others but most importantly this is shown in Kiryu. People who wouldn’t hesitate to save their loved ones without any ounce of hesitation. The hardships of life he has gone through,the amount of important people he has lost in his life but yet he still lives on today no matter what.

The Song Of Life.

this shit better than fata morgana

Kickass game with the exception of Act II beinf a little awkward but this doesn’t stop this game from being great still. Aside from that, this game is awesome. It shines the brightest during the finale and epilogue chapter which leads into Cold Steel 3 where you could say the quality increases tenfold but I'm talking about Cold Steel 2 here.

Cold Steel 2 is one of the games which have aged better as I have played through the series and building upon the past games. The reveal in the finale was one of the greatest plot drops, including how much work was put into this story and how it is executed perfectly later on. The epilogue as well from how much it builds upon Reans character and the hype for the future.

Finale: "Forward, Relentlessly"
Divertissement: "The Occupation"
Epilogue: "Winter's End"
The best stretch of chapters since Azure and this is where Cold Steel really picks up. These last 3 chapters does so much for the story it's insane.

“Okay, we’ve talked long enough. Let’s go. I won’t let anyone interfere! This is going to be our final battle! “

“That’s exactly how I want it to be! We’ll fight until we can fight no more… until our strength runs dry and our SOULS BURN OUT! “

“Merlina, every world has its end. I know it’s kind of sad but that’s why we have to live life to the fullest in the time we have. Add least that’s what I figure.”

raw ass game good memories

One of the wildest entries in the Metal Gear Solid franchise, but one of the best. One of the best characters ever Raiden and this game complements him even more.

His character arc over MGS2, MGS4 and MGR is absolutely beautiful. Not letting your past control, you, life is bunch of shit thrown at you, you have to keep fighting and moving forward but also important to not forget your past either, face it and use it as a steppingstone to move forward to the future. Raiden being able to accept his trauma and face that it is a part of him, not letting it define him through but being able to embrace his past and don't let it weigh him behind.
Embrace who you are in the past but never forget who you are truly are while keeping yourself in the current and not letting your past drag you.

"I said my sword was a tool of justice. Not used in anger. Not used for vengeance. But now… Now I'm not so sure. And besides, this isn't my sword."

i love loewe and renne

i love sc

i love this game

this is real gaming that started this series and pushed it into favorites

mating press beatrice, eva, natsuhi, ange, rosa, kyrie

never getting a port but I remember playing this and fun asf

chapter 6 pit vs dark pit REALL PEAKKK

One of the Best RGG games. Best Writing and Combat in the whole series of Yakuza games. Yagami is already an amazing character but already gets elevated even further. Protagonist and Antagonist dynamic in this game is one of the best in Media and the main themes in the yakuza series have been the best it has ever been.

Takayuki Yagami.