Freedom To Decide

One of the best stealth games ever made and one of the best games in general ever made. Hideo Kojima is truly amazing being able to make these games especially with the story and how it holds up still to this day on how relevant it is with its many themes in its storyline and characters.

"Find something to believe in. And find it for yourself. And when you do, pass it on to the future."

The finale for MGS2 once you enter the arsenal is one of the greatest stretches of a game, I've ever played especially with the twists and the adrenaline rush of how the story is proceeding. Raiden being naked was not just for funny purposes, it was he was vulnerable and naked mentally as well. For one of the first times in forever, during that one section of the game, I felt like I was in a weird dream stance especially when it got insanely uncanny from the Codec calls from the AIs. From this point on to the finale battle and the last codec call is just a masterpiece. I love Raidens character and his own character arc of not just being used, to be able to start living for himself and for his story only. This game tells us and lays it out for us that we decide for ourselves, don't just believe what you are told, question ourselves and our own identity, and much more. One of the best games ever and I can't stop saying that.

You should do yourself an honor and play this for yourself. To be able to experience this masterpiece for yourself is a amazing experience.

"I trained you well Leon."
"That you did Major."
"That you did."

The main story is fucking amazing and the characters in this series. Genuinely caught me off guard but every character is just so loveable, music and everything.

I LOVE MIKA😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

Deadly Struggle for a Fleeting Dream

This game is just simply amazing for what it does showing a completion of Kiryus life, this is the most yakzua game ever. This is a love letter to those who love this series so so much and especially Kiryu. References to older games, fight callbacks, side characters being shown and mentioned after a long while, plot lines being covered, themes and ideals shown.

What this game shows an other side of Kiryu, one we barely get to see which is his tender side. The bittersweet life of Kiryu, a legendary yakuza at his core after the events of so man games and after going through so many events in his life. This game is the most heart-wrenching and emotional game in the series. All the themes of family and struggling to live life through many events as you keep on living continuing on from the song of life. Just one of the best beautiful games ever in terms of everything that just hits you in the core personally. That finale is everything yakuza is and will represent, combining everything from the beginning to the end of Kiryu.

Hakanaki Yume

one of the greatest soundtracks SEGA has ever cooked up

I put this game on hold for a while, preparing to do a replay right after I finished NieR Replicant, and I couldn't be happier about doing that.

The first thing I want to get out of the way is the old gameplay mechanics such as having to do 2-3 hour sections of the game over and over again for different endings and this being a faithful remake, I felt like they could have at least have added a chapter select feature like in NieR Automata and this would have made the experience much much better. Other than that, I have no other complaints as this game is just so amazing that I forgive it for that part.

NieR Replicant really solidified that I do love the NieR Series after two years of being away from any type of media related to NieR or Yoko Taro. I love the NieR Replicant cast with all my heart and the way this story just personally grabbed me was amazing, it was worth running through repetitive sections to see these endings and to finally see the true ending of NieR Replicant. NieR, Yonah, Weiss, Kaine and Emil are all amazing characters, espeically Popola and Devola. Those two have taken my heart even more after replaying NieR Automata after this playing this game. I love them all personally, NieR Replicants OST was something I already knew what was gonna be amazing heading in from NieR Automata and it still blew me away, and the themes of NieR Replicant and the connections between this and NieR Automata that connect together when you complete both of them are so masterfully written.

The most down to earth Spider-Man game there is and one of the best Iterations of Spider-Man ever. The exploration and focus of both Spider-Mans relationships with other people and a exploration of each Spider-Man’s character such as their own lives and feelings of everyday life and being Spider-Man was just beautiful. It's not just about Spider-Men itself but about who they are. Peter Parker & Miles Morales. This game is basically my dream video game made with my favorite spiderman villain, all types of mechanics for combat and traversing, where it went story wise and everything. It added stuff I really wouldn't expect that they would add outside of a comic and that surprised me a lot and I'm glad they did that.

Everything with the story beats were amazing and never did a point in the story feel like it was boring for me or a moment in time where I felt like it was stagnant. The last half of the story really shined, and it was absolutely amazing, I played on Spectacular as well and it felt like the right amount of difficulty as if you weren't dodging, you would be taking insane amounts of damage so you had to be parrying/blocking and perfect dodging align with learning enemy patterns and boss patterns, along with keeping up with your own upgrades for both spider-mans.

The setup for the next game is insane and the possibilities are unlimited. Insomniac has the keys to these Spider-Man games. They really do understand the fans and listen to the fans to make these games with love.

Be Greater. Together.


has the lowest of the lows but the highest of the highs if that makes sense. Kojima knows how to make this shit peak and it was still amazing, especially that finale.

“I never thought of you as a son, but I always respected you as a soldier... and as a man.“

“This is good... isn't it?“

if you hate this entry in the series, you just got filtered 😹✋

“Merlina, every world has its end. I know it’s kind of sad but that’s why we have to live life to the fullest in the time we have. Add least that’s what I figure.”

raw ass game good memories

After finishing Yakuza 0 - 6 and Judgment Duology, being unsure of this new format yakuza was taking especially with this new protagonist, I took a break and waited a bit. Now after finally have finished this game, Yakuza LAD is a beautiful game and RGG nailed it in trying a new approach towards the yakuza series especially with a new protagonist.

Ichiban Kasuga one of the greatest characters in this series, RGG able to reward people who have played the past few games which is the Kiryu saga, and he and Kiryu are the same but different in the personality department and other things as well. RGG able to show other themes after finishing off the Kiryu Saga and executing it perfectly is just amazing. Ichiban living the best of his life after missing most of it, taking everything head on positively, personal favorite character to me.

One of the greatest games in the Trails series. An amazing end to the Crossbell arc with one of the craziest stories ever and being able to close this duology perfectly.

One of the games to cement this series as one of my favorites forever. If you're reading this and wondering if you should hop on this series, then you definitely should and start all the way from Sky for the ultimate payoff and get ready for an adventure because even past this game is even more greatness and insane payoff.

This game does everything perfectly as a climax end to this arc as it does have an epilogue type of game like trails 3rd, but it is later on, and the payoff is amazing for people who play in order. The characterization is off the charts from characters introduced in the first Crossbell game and the stakes get even higher. Everything about this game is perfect, just perfect.

Lloyd Bannings. One of the many hearts of Trails Series itself.