i havent played it , only the og let it cook

havent finished yet, still reading but the beginning of this visual novel has caught me off guard in a good way.

One of the best survival games single player and multiplayer.

After finishing Yakuza 0 - 6 and Judgment Duology, being unsure of this new format yakuza was taking especially with this new protagonist, I took a break and waited a bit. Now after finally have finished this game, Yakuza LAD is a beautiful game and RGG nailed it in trying a new approach towards the yakuza series especially with a new protagonist.

Ichiban Kasuga one of the greatest characters in this series, RGG able to reward people who have played the past few games which is the Kiryu saga, and he and Kiryu are the same but different in the personality department and other things as well. RGG able to show other themes after finishing off the Kiryu Saga and executing it perfectly is just amazing. Ichiban living the best of his life after missing most of it, taking everything head on positively, personal favorite character to me.

didnt win game of the year over elden ring

Stay safe friend. Don't you dare go hollow.

An amazing conclusion to the Cold Steel Saga. The arc that was built up for 5 games though the Sky arc and Crossbell arc.
There is never a dull moment, you feel the pressure of the games atmosphere as the world is going to hell and being in the hotbed in the middle of a war. Every character you've known for the past games showing up working together to help fight, unexpected allies and past enemies. More twists and answers revealed about past events that get even more crazy and it even drops even more crazy bombs of questions that make you wonder in the finale what is gonna happen in the future of this series and this can also go hand in hand with Hajimari with it making people wonder what the hell is going to be happening. Crazy ass game that's fucking raw and awesome as fuck and that's only scratching the surface. Reans character arc in this game really starts to show that he’s one of the best.

The end of the Kiryu Yakuza Saga. One of the greatest games ever made.

Song Of Life.

The meaning of life theme is shown throughout the game through Haruka, through Kiryu and a few select others but most importantly this is shown in Kiryu. People who wouldn’t hesitate to save their loved ones without any ounce of hesitation. The hardships of life he has gone through,the amount of important people he has lost in his life but yet he still lives on today no matter what.

The Song Of Life.

One of the greatest most ambitious games ever hyped up and actually lived up to hype and be better than it. This game is a love letter to every game in the series with Mutiple aspects of everything from them in this game. They also did open world soulsborne basically and nailed it. The moment you load up this game and hear the title theme, it already showcases it means business. One of the greatest games ever made.

Rise Tarnished.

An amazing game in the Ys Series, released before YsVIII but able to show Adols character growth on the past events of what happened in YsVIII. Tia is an amazing character and being able to have Geis as a party member fucking rocks. One of the best Final bosses in the Ys Series and definitely one of the most difficulty due to having phases with tons and health and the last one being an adol 1v1.

This review contains spoilers

Cold Steel 3 is where the Erebonia arc really started cooking. Cold Steel 2 Finale and Epilogue is where you started to see characters more fleshed and especially Reans character realizing the reality of his current world situation opening and how complicated things can be along with his mental health and mindset on growing up. Cold Steel 3 perfectly follows up from the last Cold Steel 2 chapters and absolutely cooks.

Plot lines that were foreshadowed in 3rd and built up in the games previous taking effect, the reward for having followed the games through the order and starting from Sky. Reans inner conflict with himself and not going into spoiler territory obviously but his character overal finally starts to build from lots of cold steel 1-2 moments and it only gets better on from here especially heading into CS4 and Hajimari Reverie.

Cold Steel 3 Chapter 4 and Finale are absolutely one of the best ever leading into Cold Steel 4. One hell of an ending. It had me shocked and speechless watching what happened. It was a rush of emotions all over and one of the craziest I have ever experienced in Kiseki especially with the game ending right then and there.

“Thus marks the beginning of the flame's end. Despair washes over the empire, the continent...the world. But don't lose hope. Even in this darkness, flashes of light remain. In every heart, every pair of joined hands, and in eyes fixed firmly on the future. Rest for now...then rise once more. To see this wretched fairy tale through to the end.“

Kickass game with the exception of Act II beinf a little awkward but this doesn’t stop this game from being great still. Aside from that, this game is awesome. It shines the brightest during the finale and epilogue chapter which leads into Cold Steel 3 where you could say the quality increases tenfold but I'm talking about Cold Steel 2 here.

Cold Steel 2 is one of the games which have aged better as I have played through the series and building upon the past games. The reveal in the finale was one of the greatest plot drops, including how much work was put into this story and how it is executed perfectly later on. The epilogue as well from how much it builds upon Reans character and the hype for the future.

Finale: "Forward, Relentlessly"
Divertissement: "The Occupation"
Epilogue: "Winter's End"
The best stretch of chapters since Azure and this is where Cold Steel really picks up. These last 3 chapters does so much for the story it's insane.

“Okay, we’ve talked long enough. Let’s go. I won’t let anyone interfere! This is going to be our final battle! “

“That’s exactly how I want it to be! We’ll fight until we can fight no more… until our strength runs dry and our SOULS BURN OUT! “

This entry in the series has grown a lot on me especially with how it much you realize it ages better after CS3 and onward. I actually do love cs1 as in how much erebonia has been hyped for 5 games, it sets up the atmosphere, lore and setting very well, just a bit of rough start with a bit of tropes and character development with other characters struggling to seem like they are developing but there is 5 games for development so obviously it’s not right away. This game really shows you how much Erebonia is different from Liberl and Crossbell, the culture, politics, characters such as from different factions. Only in Trails when you have played the series in order where you can realize and not a player who has instantly jumped in the series into cold steel 1.

I put this game on hold for a while, preparing to do a replay right after I finished NieR Replicant, and I couldn't be happier about doing that.

The first thing I want to get out of the way is the old gameplay mechanics such as having to do 2-3 hour sections of the game over and over again for different endings and this being a faithful remake, I felt like they could have at least have added a chapter select feature like in NieR Automata and this would have made the experience much much better. Other than that, I have no other complaints as this game is just so amazing that I forgive it for that part.

NieR Replicant really solidified that I do love the NieR Series after two years of being away from any type of media related to NieR or Yoko Taro. I love the NieR Replicant cast with all my heart and the way this story just personally grabbed me was amazing, it was worth running through repetitive sections to see these endings and to finally see the true ending of NieR Replicant. NieR, Yonah, Weiss, Kaine and Emil are all amazing characters, espeically Popola and Devola. Those two have taken my heart even more after replaying NieR Automata after this playing this game. I love them all personally, NieR Replicants OST was something I already knew what was gonna be amazing heading in from NieR Automata and it still blew me away, and the themes of NieR Replicant and the connections between this and NieR Automata that connect together when you complete both of them are so masterfully written.