Raw Kino felt like I was actually exploring a sunken abandoned ancient civilization I fucking love TIME TRAVELING IN FROMSOFT GAMES (dark souls 2 is special in this regard)

final boss fight of this dlc is fucking raw kino but I now have forever PTSD from snowstorms and traversing them in a blizzard with fucking santas reindeers smashing my head open every 15 seconds

fromsofts magnum opus alongside with the fire fades dlc in dark souls 3.

if you hate this entry in the series, you just got filtered 😹✋

amazing beginning game to start an arc off in the kiseki series.

best god damn beginning game arc in the series and gets straight to the point of saying “Y’ll have been through a prologue 3-4 times already, lets get this shit started already.”

Van Arkride.

One of the greatest videogames ever made, the payoff for having gone through the past games in order, having immense love for this series to be already knee deep in this series and playing it with a english injection patch just shows my love for this series.

just absolutely amazing, hajimari is crazy amazing. Being able to beautifully wrap up the Crossbell Arc and Erebonia Arc in one whole game and to go as far and improve on what was done in Trails in the Sky 3rd. Amazing Episodes on mostly anything from slice of life to characters you know and love to show their personality and how life is to deep in-depth characterization for very important characters.

Improving on characters introduced in Crossbell arc even further and even adding more development for Sky characters and not to forget adding more needed characterization for Erebonia introduced characters.
It also introduces two new characters that have their own novel series 3&9 that you can read before or after you start or finish Hajimari. Those characters have become one of my favorites in such a short time they are introduced especially with one character specially introduced in Hajimari. Each experience is different for each person for different media. The best experience for this game is to have finished every game in order leading up to this one.

Mostly every character that has been introduced in Kiseki gets even more screentime and development in this beautiful game. Not to mention the worldbuilding and all the themes present in Kiseki show its worth in Hajimari with how amazing it is. Hajimari themes and being able to execute them through 3 routes leading into one containing the Mutiple main characters in each route and giving them all more character development is just amazing. I love Lloyd, Rean and C so much. The Trio of Main Characters and the way they were implemented to add even more character depth and development were amazing. Hajimari is one of the most beautifully crafted games with a payoff of having played all the games in order and having immense love for this series.

One of the greatest games of all time.

One of the Best RGG games. Best Writing and Combat in the whole series of Yakuza games. Yagami is already an amazing character but already gets elevated even further. Protagonist and Antagonist dynamic in this game is one of the best in Media and the main themes in the yakuza series have been the best it has ever been.

Takayuki Yagami.

One of the best entries in the Ys series and a foothold to felghana system of combat which is massively improved upon.

you’re better off playing Persona 3 and Persona 4 Dance.

Weakest Ys game but still fun. This is one of the adventures that gave the adventurer title to Adol.

best metriodvania game, amazing souls like game.