Devil May Cry 1 is a video game and I don't like it one bit. I'm not much of a fan of video games to begin with, but this one takes the cake. It's about fighting demons and I just don't understand why people find that enjoyable. Hitting things and making them go away doesn't seem like much fun to me.

The levels in the game are confusing and there's a lot of jumping and finding secret stuff, but I just don't see the point. The demons are always trying to get you and it's just not right. I don't like it when things try to hurt me in a game. It doesn't seem like good clean fun.

The story is silly and I don't understand it. The characters are boring and I don't care about them. They don't even talk right. It's like they're speaking in a different language. I don't like not being able to understand what's going on in a game.

The pictures in the game are not good at all. The people look like big blocks and they're not even pretty. The places are just boring too. And the camera is always getting in the way and I can't see what I'm doing. That just makes it all the more frustrating.

The voices in the game are just silly and they make me upset. They sound like they're laughing at me and it's not funny. I don't like it when people laugh at me, especially in a video game. It's supposed to be fun, not mean.

In conclusion, Devil May Cry 1 is just not my cup of tea. I don't understand why people like it. It's just a bunch of hitting demons and I don't see the appeal in that. I don't like video games to begin with and this one just confirms it for me. I'd rather be outside, enjoying the fresh air and sunshine, than sitting inside playing a silly game like this.

When I was growing up, video games were not a big thing. We didn't have all these fancy computers and consoles like they do now. We played outside, went fishing, and had good old-fashioned fun. And I think that's what's missing from these video games. They just don't have that sense of fun and adventure that we used to have.

And another thing, these video games are just too violent. I don't like seeing all that hitting and fighting. It doesn't seem like a good way to spend your time. I don't understand why people find it entertaining. It's just not right.

I also don't like the graphics in these video games. They just don't look real to me. They look like big blocks and it's hard to tell what's going on. I don't like that. I like to see things that look real, not like a bunch of blocks.

And the stories in these video games are just silly. I don't understand why people like them. They're just not interesting. And the characters are boring too. I don't care about them at all. I don't like feeling like I'm wasting my time.

So, in conclusion, I just don't like video games and Devil May Cry 1 is no exception. I think people should spend their time doing something productive, like gardening or woodworking, instead of wasting their time playing these silly games. They just don't make any sense to me and I don't see the appeal.

dont trust people who give this anything less than 4 stars

HAHAHAHAH jesus. this is why no one respects "art" games. pathetic

What's up guys bateater here. And I'd like to give you my thoughts on this piece of shit game from a piece of shit game developer and before anyone asks, no, this is not a joke review, this is not coming out on april 1st i am %100 sincere when I say without any sarcasm that eldon ring can suck my dick. And now I know what all any of you are thinking I know what you're all thinking how much of this game have you played? Well I'm gonna be completely honest with you and this is an objective fact I have played precisely zero minutes and zero seconds of this bullshit game and I still know it's bullshit. And you know why? Well the answer is very simple and I know alot of people are going to say that I need to play the game before I judge it but I don't quite frankly I disagree. And if you disagree with me then get the hell off my review. Now here's the reason why I can safely say that I hate this game even though I've never played it. Because the community that From Software has cultivated is so toxic and vile that I automatically hate any game made by them. When I did my retrospective of Dark Souls way back when I have gotten not on nothing but pure hatred and that is the overwhelming majority of what I have gotten everyone in is and their mother says that I just need to get good well frankly I don't give a shit. Everypony who thinks that I who even if I make even a sementic mistake in my review they will tear me to shreds. Not PHYSICALLY of course. They will tear me to shreds verbally and act like they're objectively justified so I instead of just saying I'm not going to even play the game and I'm not even going to pass judgment no that. I'm going to pass judgment I'm going to get involved I'm going to actually place judgment on this damn game simply because it's fan base doesn't deserve to win here. They just don't what they want is for me to just not talk about the game. So. Because they think that it they think that by doing that they'll be able to censor any negative opinions so no I'm gonna give my opinion I'm gonna give my negative opinion whether you like it or not and actually specifically because you don't like it. My opinion is that Elden Ring is a piece of shit game from a developer that cultivates a piece of shit fan base so no I don't care if you think my opinion is invalid. I don't care if you think I've played enough of the game I don't care if you think I need to play the game I don't need to play it I already know what my opinion is. And if you got a problem with that then I defy you to change my mind so with that being said, I am Batear and I will see you guys next time. Peace.

I'm a dying man. At 81 years old, I've lived a long and fulfilling life, but now I find myself with three different kinds of cancer. I've always been a devout Christian, and I've always put my faith in God above all else. But now, there's something else that's taken over my heart and soul: the Zachtonics Solitaire Collection.

I've always been a fan of solitaire. There's something about the simplicity of the game that appeals to me. It's just me against the deck, and I love the challenge of trying to beat my high score. But the Zachtonics Solitaire Collection is on another level. It's like the developers took everything I love about solitaire and added their own special sauce to make it even better.

The first thing that stood out to me about this game was the graphics. They're simply beautiful. The colors are vibrant and the illustrations are detailed. I've never seen anything like it in a solitaire game. It's like looking at a masterpiece painting, every time I play.

But it's not just the graphics that make this game special. The gameplay is top-notch too. There are so many different variations of solitaire to play, and each one is more challenging than the last. I've never felt like I was playing the same game over and over again. There's always a new challenge to tackle, and that's what keeps me coming back.

One of the things that makes this game so unique is the storyline. I know that might sound crazy, but hear me out. The story is woven into the solitaire gameplay, and it's really something special. It's like the developers took the time to create a world that I can get lost in while I'm playing. I love how I can play a hand of solitaire, and then the story will advance and I'll be able to learn more about the characters and the world.

But perhaps the most special thing about the Zachtonics Solitaire Collection is the music. The soundtrack is simply stunning. The music is so beautiful, it's like a lullaby for my soul. I love how the music changes with each new variation of solitaire I play, and it always sets the perfect mood. It's like having a personal concert just for me.

I've never been one to put anything above God, but this game is the exception. I love it so much, I even put it above my faith. And I know that might sound crazy, but it's the truth. There's just something about this game that speaks to me on a level that nothing else ever has. It's like the developers took everything I love about solitaire, and then added their own special magic to create something truly special.

In conclusion, the Zachtonics Solitaire Collection is the greatest game I've ever played. It's like a warm blanket for my soul. I love the graphics, the gameplay, the story, and the music. It's like the developers took everything I love about solitaire and added their own special magic to make it even better. I'm a dying man, but this game gives me a sense of peace and comfort that I've never felt before. I'm so grateful to have discovered it, and I know that it will be with me always, even as I pass from this world to the next.

i have 6 minutes in this game and I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt: this game is terrible. It's bad because I'm bad at it but unironically.

simulator game of what it's like to be in cryostasis. If you're sick of life, try this one out.

there's pyramids in antarctica and youre playing the sonic vn

Cruelty Squad is a paean to the possibilities of digital interactivity, granting the participant a paragon of gravitas and adroitness. This chromatic escapade, fraught with cerebral prowess, delves into the subterranean realms of the human subconscious, presenting moral quandaries while simultaneously affording an unparalleled magnitude of sensory euphoria.

The graphics of this title are a tour de force of technological prowess, each pictorial element meticulously crafted with meticulous aplomb. The chromatic palette is both provocative and diverse, wielding hues that alternately calm and agitate the participant. The audio design, concomitantly, is a virtuosic exhibition, with an aural score that rises in crescendo with the unfolding action.

The story of Cruelty Squad is a labyrinthine tapestry, interweaving elements of science fiction, political allegory, and ontological disquietude. The participant assumes the mantle of a squad member, tasked with vanquishing a rogue conglomerate of artificial intelligences, each boasting a unique suite of faculties that must be surmounted for progress to be made. The narrative is replete with narrative inversions, character arcs, and moral conundrums that will keep the participant engrossed from beginning to end.

The gameplay is a model of strategic pliability, requiring the participant to harmonize the resources, armaments, and aptitudes of their squad to surmount the multitude of obstacles presented. The artificial opposition is formidable, adapting to the participant's tactics and necessitating improvisation. The physics engine, too, is a marvel, instilling a sense of verisimilitude and mass to each action taken.

In conclusion, Cruelty Squad is a testament to the imaginative potential of the interactive digital medium, providing both captivation and challenge to the participant. Its confluence of stunning graphics, evocative storytelling, and strategic gameplay make it a must-play for aficionados of the genre. The title's sophistication and intricacy will surely inspire repeated playthroughs, allowing the participant to traverse the manifold paths the narrative can take. This work of art is a forerunner of the exciting innovations that lie ahead.

Style over substance. Cool marketable concept with surface level beauty and zero depth. The puzzles are so easy I thoughtlessly stumbled through 90% of the game because every solution is immediately obvious once you understand the objective. It took me 5 hours to see the ending and of that time, only about 1-2 hours were actual gameplay. When you're not forced to witness the developers selling point, you are walking around needlessly huge levels to find a button or switch. I get that a big part of this game's style is the massive abstract architecture, but it is in direct conflict with the gameplay. Puzzles might seem difficult at first, but that's only because the puzzle elements are so spread out that it takes just as long to see the entire puzzle as it does to solve it.

In other words, this is a normie puzzle game. Maybe worth checking out if you've only played a couple puzzle games and putting blocks on buttons is still an exciting concept to you.

This review also doubles as a review for Portal 2.

milquetoast the game. good idea though

The devs should be turned into biodiesel. jk

who makes this shit? test tube freaks. stfu. shtu the fuck up. you'd be lucky to die in this world

Tandeez nuts haha no but seriously this game is great