It's a weird case for me to recommend a handheld version as well.

This game's fucked up but it's a good time when you don't have a bitch in your ear telling you it sucks. SEGA you can suck my dick for taking it off Steam.


I replayed in April 2021 during exam season while stressing about failing Stats, my last required Math. I started to have heart palpitations about two days in. This game for sure caused it. This game is a fucking cultural wasteland. You can also fuck your cousin. Really incredible how they made this one. It's going to be gone from the eShop a whole month earlier too. People say it's bad to think that's a good thing. I ask if they have 400 hours in this game like I do. My hatred is measured and understandable. Fuck this game you will get subtweeted and dogpiled for disliking it it doesn't change that it sucks ass.

It's good but sometimes they dock me for talking shit.

I knew someone who always argued it was better than Conquest.
1. No.
2. BOO HOO MOTHER FUCKER!!!!!!!!!! I DON'T CARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have fast sex with me (bipolar guy), call it Sonic Mania. We added the plus because I consider myself good at it.

Edit hahahahaha I’m not a guy anymore lol we still can do it tho.

Don't pay attention to the plot or label it a comedy, and don't suck ass and I promise this is one of the best in the series from a gameplay PoV. I miss the bottom screen for stats and skills more with each day.

Hahaha this game is sooooooooooooooooooo fucked up but I'm bisexual so I love it though.

This game is FUCKED but I love it, just best viewed as its own thing rather than a strategy game.

So you attack speed push rally defense distant counter this pussy breath this guy fallen orgalorg is pretty broken premium skill inheritance and then the guy reposition.

Simplifies a childrens' game with bad motion controls, less content than a GBA game, validates annoying as shit Eevee fans, but also randomly has the best distribution Kanto will ever have.

I have brainworms for several characters and concepts but I'm content never playing the game of this again.

Cranks up Three Houses' map design issues to 11 but gives us Yuri and I want to suck his dick.

My heart knows it's a better package than Conquest on a gameplay and narrative integration front, but I do think Conquest slightly edges it in a gameplay sense.