Covered my dad in paint and he grounded me instead of turning into a demon.

Do not give too much exp to nomads.


Kris steal Jagen line it happen very scary...

It's funnier than FireRed and has better distribution so it's getting a higher rating.

I don't care if you can get all the starters the distribution is much worse and Pikachu sounds like a mouse being tortured.

I like the feel more than I like the game.

Worse distribution, but if you want to play it, make sure it's the 3DS version with Celebi baked in.

About as good as a first verion's gonna get.

Would be 5 stars if the RNG worked.

My first game ever, but it fucking sucks. 2 stars because nostalgia's a bitch.

Flawed but so much fucking soul that it doesn't matter.