I gave both packs a 4/5 so this is too I think that makes sense

It has better exclusives than Violet. So im giving it half a star higher. Am i petty? Yes! It also has Gligar, Cramorant, Cranidos, and Alolan Vulpix and Gouging Fire! It wins!

Perfect remake, keeps the charm, fixes translation errors, and adds the perfect amount of QoL. Visually stunning too. The plot is more paper thin than I remember, but I think in some ways that adds to fans’ perception of characters. Geno is less explained, so the idea that he’s some warrior working for a higher power is so cool because it’s unanswered. Realizing the plot’s more thin is also a way of realizing that that left some allure for fans’ imaginations to go berserk. Great remake.

So, so good. Took time to adjust to the new Peter face, but eventually I did, though it looks far better in cutscenes than in gameplay like in Otto’s lab or F.E.A.S.T.. Game is great. Movement is fluid and rewarding and fun. Enemy types do feel samey at times though. I don’t hate the MJ missions like everyone else, but they do fluctuate some in quality. Still, really enjoyable, especially toward the end. This is NOT including the DLC packaged with it, but just the main story.

Hammerhead talks about a lesson in fear? More like a lesson in mid and repetition. Jesus christ. More of a fundamentally good game but pretty repetitive beyond a couple really good side missions. Adds some terrible enemy design to the mix. Very glad I didn’t review this as part of the base game because I’d sound sour toward something I loved. Why they chose Screwball instead of Taskmaster is something I’ll never understand.

A good mobile game! And then the caveat of being exclusive to a subscription service which can pull the plug eventually rears its head. I’d gladly pay a few bucks to legitimately own the game. But alright. Thanks free Apple Arcade trial. Story presentation is lame but nothing horrid in the writing, everyone is in character. Please fire Rouge’s va though she sounds so bad and unattractive. Very bad.

Plays SO much better for combat, and so much is streamlined. It’s shorter, but I think this is to its favor. Side content matters as you see Miles build that community to prove he can be Spider Man by just being himself. He’s not an imitation of Peter. He’s his own Spider Man and his own person. And it rules. It’s much more interpersonal, but I think it resonates as a result. Lacking a lot of tedium the first game had is great. Though I’d say it has a few flaws, like some puzzles being bad. Length mostly helps this story, but I can’t help but feel that it does create some friction with pricing discussions. I got this with Remastered for 42 bucks, so that’s a steal, but idk. Up to you on pricing. Fantastic midquel. I do wish Miles had a better design though, namely haircut-wise. As it stands he kind of just looks like FlightReacts. Could be me just being way more used to his Spiderverse design, though, but I’d definitely give him a better cut. Fantastic character, though. Loved my time with this as improvements became apparant after how much I wasn’t a fan of the first game’s DLC.

Extremely underrated. Plays amazingly and gives you so many mechanics to juggle and fight the steep challenges it throws you. I don’t think the plot is quite on the level of Explorers, but it’s enjoyable and the world building is a love letter to the series as a whole. 9 years since the last truly new PMD story. That upsets me. Imo, this is how you do legacy content. Build your own story, but sprinkle references in as a bonus. They don’t inhibit it or take control of the plot ever. That’s why this is good.

Wanna watch me lower my rating half a star because giants can’t knock me into space? That was a feature. Not a bug. Todd Howard I want you so bad.

You’ll cowards don’t even smoke crack

Stellar game. Truly MADE for ps5 through its use of haptic feedback and trigger tension, as well as nonexistent load times. Movement is crisp and combat is even better. Amazingly satisfying story, and I fucking love these characters. It DOES have issues, like no day/night switch yet or no new game+, though I don’t use that feature. And I encountered a glitch or two that made me backtrack the mission. It’s minor, though. The fact it exists is still there. By no means is this a rushed game, and I can’t wait for whatever they cook next. Objectively I could give this a 4.5/5. Nah. Fuck you, it’s a 5. Pure 5/5 enjoyment for me.

This is MY fucked up piece of shit of a game. Whitehead fixed a lot of the programming errors of the original but ensured it was still a fucked up game. I respect the hell out of it. Still mad SEGA took it off the steam store post Origins. The port’s UI is just nicer, even if Origins’ is effectively a straight port of the Whitehead version.

I’ll keep coming back to this for years to come. Mechanically it’s one of the most tightly designed, fluid games which encourages speedrunning whilst still being friendly to the casual player. It goes balls to the wall in how it asks you to tackle and experiment with its gimmicks and mechanics/physics, despite their simplicity. It’s fast paced and your decisions come on the fly, but it’s never in the sensory overloading way. The game is smooth, quick to let you reset and perfect your run and walk back your mistakes. It’s made with the same understanding of its playerbase and demographics that Celeste was, so despite the intensity or perceived difficulty, it never grates. The amount of tech you can pull off by the end is as impressive as it is fun. While I’ve seen the story be ripped into online, I’d like to say that’s some of the point. The developers wanted it to be cringe in the way it was what you’d think was cool in middle school, and I think that it sticks the landing due to a full blown commitment to camp. Not that it’s what you play the game for, there’s a skip button loudly placed in the top left of your screen. But I think it’s a case where you can embrace the cringe or easily ignore it. Most overblown critique. It’s not like people pretending Fire Emblem Engage’s story was actually good, when it lost the entire campiness midway through.

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Realistically, this game could have been good if it was just more of the first with more mechanics. It opts for that, but then throws away its mask after chapter 5, opting to do even more. A capitalization on more lore and storytelling, along with the additional characters of Wheatley and Cave Johnson being just as funny, if not funnier than GLaDOS. Also shoutout to the defective turrets. Atmospherically I think this is better too. The collapsing lab, and ruins beneath it feel so much more ominous, befitting the utter madness the game turns into. And since there are more puzzle gimmicks, it feels that the game can afford to be more varied in its demands, and not too overloading on reflexes. A child of the internet in the early 2010s, I’d been spoiled to hell and back on Wheatley’s betrayal and jokes, but they still landed within context. The internet didn’t prepare me for J.K. Simmons, though. Absolutely a delight to hear him. I played the original thinking it was a good puzzle game that could be funny. This was that and then some. Very glad to see the adoption insult has been preserved, and refined so the robots fat shame you now. It’s still so funny to hear playground insults from murderous AI.