huge improvement over the last games, having a duo is such a cool idea, and the game feels harder than the other two, reisen's fight is incredible

one of the best crossovers of all time wasted in a trash mobile game, its just sad

incredible artwork (both the pixel art and the castlevania inspired one) and music, the gameplay feels boring tho

A different way to play touhou, not the best, but the story is probably my favorite so far, the idea of the real world changing Gensokyo is so cool

terrible game, good mysteries tho

okay hear me out.
this game is a hidden gem, hidden behind cries of horror, unecessary torture, and lots LOTS of shit. there is a story and the plot twist, although expected is really well foreshadowed. This is unironically THE best voice acting i've ever seen, all of them are really good for no reason. the theme song slaps too, for those that are mentally insane and hate themselves, you are going to love this.

even when there is no world to explore, the world building in the trails series is incredible. My favorites things about this game are how the dungeon crawling is related to kevin, kevin itself and the doors. I just can't praise the doors enough. Moon doors 3 and 4, Star doors 8, 14, 15 are peak trails fiction.
The only bad thing about this game is the shit ton of reused assets from the other games and some useless doors, but its not that bad.

its a pretty good game, not the best roguelike nor the best farming simulator, but its a pretty good mix of the two, it does get repetitive from the 3rd area tho. A little more time in the oven and it will be incredible

i heard that this game was made by a single person dev and if this is true, they made a incredible job for all things considered, the jumpscares are one of the best i have ever seen. The only thing holding back this game are the shit ton of bugs and misspels, but tbh its expected. the more you play the game the more neurotic you get from every single sound you hear. Goog game

incredible world, characters are kinda meh and the story is whatever (imo a conspiracy to overthrow the king that had direct connections to the throne would a lot more interesting) but for sure the worst thing about this game are the pacing issues, it really made me quit. I really like the 'hardcore' combat and semi-realistic views on weapons, the VA are top notch too, good game overall

I'm way too into this game, someone help me

the feeling of uneasy about the past of the characters, the guilt they feel and how they interact with each other made this my fav group of friends from persona yet, even tho yukino is kinda of a waste of space, all the relationship comes very well together.

my boy SCADI made a philosophical manisfesto a character is this game, like wtf

the first 8 hours being a yuri vn is my favorite thing from this game for sure

really didn't expect voice acting from this, but my god it is cluncky.