could have used more estinien

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I'm not forgiving them for what they did to Haurchefant

I ought to leave at least one genuine review on this account, what better game than Pokemon Smile? I downloaded it expecting an app encouraging me to brush my teeth and got just that. I can't complain, it definitely makes brushing fun! Would recommend it to those struggling with self care as it gives an entertaining incentive to keep up with your brushing- it was a bizarre tool that worked for me personally. Happy brushing!

Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne is kind of like that feeling when you close the car door on all your fingers

still better than persona 5

Not Kid Icarus Uprising (2012) for the Nintendo 3Ds

I have no clue how to describe megami tensei

guys be honest did shadow make anyone else gay

Kid Icarus Uprising (2012) for the Nintendo 3Ds

ive never played, dissatisfied with it regardless

the cooking mama is a real witch, reminds me of my grandma

i came out the other end transgender