LOVED the first half, but once that halfway point hit I did start to get a little bored doing similar stuff. As fun as the sandbox style is, it felt like I subconsciously developed an optimal style and did it the most. Still a great game overall.

Very fun game, loved the story. Can see now why some were disappointed with spiderman 2. It’s definitely still a product of the time - very mid sidequests and side content in general, but swinging around fighting baddies is always good fun.

Like all Pokemon, I played through and enjoyed it. It's just painful that they removed some of the best parts of Arceus and made a game that somehow feels even more half baked. Lost hope in GF after this one tbh

Feel like this one's overhated a bit. I understand why, cutting the dex down was dumb and they did NOT justify it well. The marketing suggested the wild area would be better than it is. I'm not in love with the game but it scratched the good fun Pokemon itch for me. The DLC was pretty good, although making us pay extra for the best parts of a game makes me salty.

Not usually a horror guy, was very tense in some areas of the game. VERY good atmosphere, the one thing I’ll say is most enemies (including Mr. X) are kinda pushovers when you learn them. Lickers for example, just walk past. Mr X, just run away from, he’s not that fast. Still a very fun experience, just started Claire’s B run.

Phenomenal game. Atmosphere + music are unmatched, loved all the characters, the story is great. I personally felt the combat had some shortcomings (I’m also just used to kb+m and played on ps5 😂). Sometimes it feels a little unfair when you get knocked down, knocked again before you get up by a ranged explosion, then a taken teleports to and knocks you again before you can get up. Overall incredible and prob my 2nd goty pick for 2023

I fucking love bulborb honk shooooo honk shooooo

somewhere out there, a devil may cry

completely blew me out of the water. made me really feel the impact of jrpg's. dunban was over there

ik what people think, and i get it now, but as my first final fantasy game, it got me to play the original. Amazing

Very enjoyable. Idk that I could say it had the same impact on me as 1 but I loved every second of the playthrough. Ending was a bit weak but I'm not complaining.