even as a kid i was mortified knowing i owned this

wasted at least 60 dollars on the game total. dear lord, this game taught me about genuine prejudice. a fist full of children in every room & they all will accidentally recreate segregation in terms of "member only" roleplays. do NOT go in the pillow room. one time a girl told me to drink bleach because i wouldn't change my animal to an arctic wolf & i think that describes the experience well

i technically played this on my 3ds as my first handheld game ever. all i remember about it is two things; there was a hamster named nugget & the compressed toilet flushing noise

please stop looking at me like that

this is actually a really neat assortment of games, covering the obscure to the classics. ristar, altered beast, alex kidd, and kid chameleon are some of my favorites. there's also really cool behind the scenes videos you can watch

a very fun warioware to play with incorporated wii elements. my only critique is that there is a LITTLE too many fart jokes but this is wario after all

innovative fighting game that'll make you dizzy from how bumpin the music is. i haven't played it in a long time but i'm really glad this got on the switch.

happy to say i grew up with this game! it has eaten more hours than i can fathom. i think it's a shame that this game sort of marked the end of enchanting dialogue from villagers, but i appreciated them nonetheless. having control over the town was really fun then, but nowadays i just wanna play another animal crossing where you're nothing special. isabelle is a parasite but i main her in smash so i owe her my life

this honestly isn't a masterpiece, but i had a lot of mindless fun with it as a kid. i think i named the world at the beginning villagevile. made my first oc here it was awesome

one of my first 3ds games ever. i was still trying to figure out what i liked. saw a tv commercial for this game & thought "hey i am a girl. perfect." to my surprise this game was actually sooo fun. the animations are really funny for some reason when you're in the map selection there's this animation where your character walks like a newborn giraffe

idk if it's because i was a stupid baby when i played this or what but nothing felt very explained so all i did was roam around and fight that one zebra pokemon

despite being shovelware this game is actually really funny to play while a group of friends watch. catching a big fish gets so hype. wonderful game to boot up in the unholy hours of the night

i was so mad that i got this for christmas that i powered through the entire thing while seething