Solid game but definetly hasn’t aged that well compared to other Rockstar titles around that time. Mission variety is basically nonexistent and most of the missions are the usual Rockstar slop: ride with a NPC for a couple of minutes while going to a destination, kill the bad guys, victory. Other than that every other aspect is good/great except the stranger missions.

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While I do like the story and how the main cast of characters have been handling Makoto's death (yes, I am one of the few people who don't think Atlus butchered Yukari’s character), the gameplay is even worse in The Answer since the difficulty is automatically higher and it's just Tartarus 24/7.

While this is my least favorite Persona game from the 3 recent ones, it still is an amazing game. My only issue is Tartarus being very repetitive and also how the cast of characters feel more like coworkers than friends but I can somewhat overlook those issues since everything else is spot on. I still have yet to play The Answer since I’m trying to avoid a burnout.

It’s alright I guess. The story is decent but the gameplay is just basic as hell

I would've liked it more if Rebirth didn't exist.

I enjoyed playing it but I just can't handle its scariness.

This game made me realize how much I love to get pegged

Surprised that this game got its own series considering how clunky and mediocre it is but also thankful for it.

Pretty much Scott's magnum opus. Ends the series with a bang and the "managing a pizzeria" aspect of it is very fun.

Definitely my least favorite of the series. While it does contribute a lot to the FNAF lore, the gameplay is so annoying.

It has everything you would want from a FNAF game. It does have some bullshit things like avoding a withered animatronic is very difficult at later nights.

Probably my favorite one from the series. It just something about this game that I can't quite put my hands on it that makes it so special to me.

For it's time, it definetly was better since it's the first game of the series but eventually almost all the sequels did the format better and even mixed it up a bit, so yeahh it hasn't aged that well.

Not the worst FNAF game out there but definitely one of the weakest. Springtrap was pretty cool tho

I mean it is a fun game but definitely wasn't worth the 10 euros that I paid for it when it first game out on Steam.