Fixed every issue I had with its predecessor and added even more. Easily one of the best games that I’ve played ever.

Postgame depression is hitting hard, truly a once in a lifetime experience.

Very cool game but the gameplay does sometimes get repetitive and the game ends on a cliffhanger.

I love the first half of the game. Unfortunately after Psycho Mantis, the game’s quality takes a deep dive in to a pool full of shit.

San Andreas has aged beautifully. Its cast of characters is still as good as they were, Los Santos looks great and the story is still as great as it has ever been (although it has quite a bit of cliche's). It has very great mechanics aswell, such as being able to make CJ buff or fat (it's a tragedy that this is the only GTA so far with that mechanic). My only issue is the combat hasn't aged that well but that's not just a issue with this GTA, it's also all the others that were released at the same time (3, Vice City, Liberty City Stories, etc). Overall, it is still a great game to play even if it's old as shit.

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Ehh idk this game is definetly way slower than the other Yakuza games that I have played. While I have only played Kiryu's and Saejima's parts, both of them have been alright to outright boring. Maybe one day I'll come back and finish it but for now its decent.

I can’t believe this is the end for Kiryu’s saga…

Man this game sure is a masterpiece.

Amazing game even though I played it only at my friend's house

Even though this game clearly has a lot of issues, I still can't stop loving it. It introduced a lot of QoL improvements to the Create mode such as being able to make your own power ups or increasing the layer limit by a lot. The DLC weren't on par with LBP 2 but still were pretty good (except the MGSV ones). I never really cared about LBP story modes so I don't have much to say about that. The glaring issue is how often your save gets compromised and how buggy the multiplayer is. I can understand if someone hates the game for those two reasons alone, but it mostly improves from its predecessor. It's like every two steps it takes forward, it also takes one step on a pile of crap. I still think its a great game but it could've been more if Sony didn't pressure Sumo to release it before the holidays.

Laurence and Living failures drag this DLC down by a bit, but still is one of the best Souls game DLC's out there.

Everything about this DLC is fantastic. The locations, the bosses (except that one pvp boss), the atmosphere, the gear and the ost are just wonderful, which also makes this somewhat sad considering this is most likely the last piece of Dark Souls content we will ever get.

Sister Friede is the only amazing thing in this DLC. Other than that, its aight.