im still working through it but this game's core is solid and fun. it's really campy and the combat feels nice, with the game gradually opening more in all respects over a kind of long amount of time.

the corporate meddling worming its way into the game's model probably shot down a lot of this game's potential which is a real shame because its a very fun time. im very glad its on gamepass (and the community is active a month post-release) because it's a little hard to recommend a $60 live service coop shooter with a battlepass/lootboxes and progression locked behind a grind/ingame currency/DLC. just make it free to play at that point lmao

kind of boring but i still come back to all of these and play with friends lmao


started off with fun ideas but got very one note. the previous map locations like the jungle got very tired at this point too, im just glad it's over

short and sweet. really charming and cute to play through. I LOVE WARIOWARE!!!

the combat of the game mostly being "slow time, move around bullet, and then hit attack button" made me enjoy it less and less as it went on but luckily its short and doesnt overstay its welcome too much

the first yakuza game to make me feel as passionate about a yakuza game as other yakuza fans. i do not care about the silly gameplay quirks and design flaws, overall it is an incredibly good time with a great story and a wonderful cast of characters. also i beat the management mode minigame in one five hour sitting as soon as i unlocked it

i was bouncing around on what i felt about this game for the first big chunk and i waited wayyyyy too long getting to the end but that last 8 or so hours was nonstop bangers and i dont even care man that ending got me so hard. i love Kingdom Hearts. i love Tetsuya Nomura.

edit: i spent another 15 hours on post game content/preparing for the dlc bosses and it wasnt all great but this game has had me gripped like little else

encapsulates such a cool vibe with a fantastically realized cast and script. love the plot and mystery.
only wish it wasnt such a slog to play--unfortunately i do not like walking through 10 identical buildings to tick invisible game boxes that let me progress the story. even if its thematically relevant and kind of works with the vibe i had to take so many breaks with this game and i probably wont want to play something set up like this again (rip 25th ward !)

hard to believe i started this game after hearing plains of eternity from 13-2 on the daily ff music twitter account and falling in love with that ost, and hearing that 13 wasnt "that bad" nowadays.

i think this game is surprisingly decent and even kind of solid when it hits its strides. it has a great aesthetic with some really well done character and environmental designs that hold up great. the ost is fantastic, with probably one of the most memorable and hard to get sick of battle themes ive ever heard in a game. the characters and their stories were generally really good too, and i liked seeing them interact and develop! undeniably lightning is one of the best things the series has ever done.

the gameplay is the only major thing that drags it all down. typically i care a lot more if a games gameplay isnt fun, but this battle system is serviceable and i dont mind it in a general sense. but the game is pretty awful at managing difficulty and variety particularly around and after the 50% point, introducing things like side quests and more open environments that completely halt your progress. combined with the game suddenly cranking enemy numbers up and the combat system not allowing for enough creativity to defeat such tough enemies initially, it becomes a real sloggy numbers game where you're basically (and sometimes literally as part of the story) required to complete uninspired side quests or grind equally uninspiringly designed enemy encounters to level your team up. also the final dungeon introduces a few new enemies with terribly annoying quirks and just spams them over and over again. i had written before finishing the game that all of this didnt kill the fun for me. but ngl it sort of did at the end LOL

despite it all this game held my attention incredibly well for the 40+ hour runtime which is a pretty big feat for me nowadays. even though i'll look back on the "great" final fantasies more fondly with the higher highs in those games, i enjoyed a good part of the journey and experience of 13.

i thought the character art was very nice and the title made me giggle because it reminded me of yuru camp.

demo was alright. surprisingly long and showed exactly what to expect from the full game. the particular mystery they presented went on for a bit too long and i saw what was going on for a while, but it seems like the later stuff will have a lot more variety to it. i for sure enjoyed the shmup section tho !

indescribable experience. i never want to play this again but i mean that in the best way possible