easily the best of the snes trilogy for me, the setpieces hold up incredibly well and the game kept my attention across almost all of the content it has to offer. crazy how open ended that second half gets. fun journey

absolutely undeniably peak fiction. there is nothing like how this game feels. such a crazy and often terrifying thrillride that is always taking you to impossible places. beautifully acted, great use of artistry and the tech.

short but sweet dungeon that doesn't throw out too many surprises outside of that. very fun and hectic boss fights with an especially great final boss. we'll see what leviathan has in store considering this is kind of a sample of what else they can do

dropped because of constant crashing. oops!

beat like 4 runs, very cool and fun remaster. tons of polish

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a postmodern nightmare that folds in on itself and contorts in continually unexpected ways. i feel like i wont get everything this game has in store but i love it and its beautiful

incredibly wonderful game to revisit every now and again. very satisfying and lovely

strangely long and content rich, this is just Oddly Satisfying the game and it can last you as long you as want it to. all the steam reviews talk about having autism so you know its legit.

thought it was a little too easy at first but was completely won over by the middle and later portions. constant flow of ideas and so much fun. my favorite 2d mario for sure

fine game but obnoxiously punishing

solid puzzle game that works

this games quest mode was pretty fun !! a lot of different gimmicks that bring a lot of variety.. Good

having just now finished all the main content of endwalker including 6.55 MSQ and the pandemonium and myths of the realm raid series, i think this expansion has been really enjoyable and a great way to cap off the first major story arc. 6.0 in particular was thrilling and cathartic, and pandemonium is some of my favorite raid content (including music) to revisit. the patches were generally good and overall made the core experience better, but the postgame msq (6.1-6.5) was pretty weak and boring to me. very on the nose references to ff4 in a way that felt hamfisted and uninteresting, but we're more than likely getting something cool out of it down the line so we'll see.

6.55 was also super fun and has me completely sold on dawntrail, incredible intro for a character like wuk lamat. i am so ready for da new adventure

only marking as played for now as i just finished act 2 and its still early access but this is easily one of the best games ever made