extremely happy to have been into ff around the time a new mainline game drops. 16 really doesn't disappoint, it's a technical and mechanical masterpiece with fantastic combat intertwined with a pretty compelling narrative. this game is probably as "next-gen" as it gets. they throw out a seemingly nonstop barrage of some of the coolest bosses ever paired with some of the craziest gameplay scenarios I've played. these eikon fights are honestly the highlight. and that ending.....oooohhhhhh

(female character writing generally leaves a lot to be desired and the side quest design feels a little too MMOy and time wastey but its complicated because theres still nuggets of great stuff in there on both accounts...)

and thus did our journey end.

massive step up from 7. fun combat and a wide variety of scenarios that keep moving at a very breakneck pace that still manages to stay thrilling. ethan winters gotta be the best dad

very cute and charming little puzzle game! fun mysteries and the ending made me cry :)

kind of boring but i still come back to all of these and play with friends lmao

im still working through it but this game's core is solid and fun. it's really campy and the combat feels nice, with the game gradually opening more in all respects over a kind of long amount of time.

the corporate meddling worming its way into the game's model probably shot down a lot of this game's potential which is a real shame because its a very fun time. im very glad its on gamepass (and the community is active a month post-release) because it's a little hard to recommend a $60 live service coop shooter with a battlepass/lootboxes and progression locked behind a grind/ingame currency/DLC. just make it free to play at that point lmao

easily one of my favorite Nintendo games.. so full of life and flavor and fun creature designs, great puzzle/strategy gameplay loop that kept me engrossed beyond the main story. i went back and did everything there is to do and i still want more! dandori for lyfe

ohh yeaaa its so goood i love ada wong

i was on a lot of hopium for the first few weeks post release but yea this game hasn't been very good.... i was very interested in playing all the different ff7 game stories but content release has been so sparse it's hard to do even that! all they care about is grinding and grinding with massive difficulty curves through pure number increase. obviously there are microtransactions out the wazoo but they like, don't even help unless you spend hundreds if that's something you're interested in. this game is just a hamster wheel carrot on a stick keys jingling in your face extravaganza

very excellent adventure game, definitely my favorite of the square enix AA game release streak of the last year or so. so much charm oozing from the writing and localization as well as the characters and their interactions with each other. the mystery is told in such a compelling way that i can only recommend going in completely blind. so many surprises and tricks that really hit hardest the first time

started off with fun ideas but got very one note. the previous map locations like the jungle got very tired at this point too, im just glad it's over

awful 7th gen jank, completely one note and awkward gameplay with such awkward storytelling. doesnt help this newer pc port is riddled with issues anyway.

cool game. love the off kilter corporate aesthetic and the usage of impossible spaces. i'm surprised how well they made a lot of modern AAA game system trappings work within the framework of the game--specifically things like handing out trinkets every few minutes, skill trees, stat boosts, and other arbitrary rpg elements came together in a way that worked when it could've been tedious. helps that this game generally doesn't overstay its welcome and keeps moving fairly quickly