i'm not crying it's just raining on my face

games i've cried to, roughly ranked based on how much they made me cry. getting really teary-eyed kinda counts as well. and sometimes i cry for barely any reason at all so just keep that in mind.

SPOILERS in the notes!

cried so badly during the hug scene i could barely see my screen. it's fine.
Mother 3
Mother 3
me 98% of the game: this sure is melancholic and sad, but i haven't really cried yet. I guess all those people playing this going on about how they cried all the way through are just more sensitive than me.

me during the last 2%: full-on weeping mental breakdown in my childhood bedroom at 3 AM
We Know the Devil
We Know the Devil
not me crying at venus' arm falling off.... it's a good thing i swear. "promise me hell is just beyond that door" god that whole last conversation had me weeping
The Last Guardian
The Last Guardian
That part when the boy is hurt and trico carries him around and tries to wake him up oooouuughhg. i cannot handle it.
Persona 3 FES
Persona 3 FES
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
i know people hate fi or whatever but I'M not people. i loved fi. and then she has to say goodbye with the softest, most beautiful little rendition of her theme playing in the background. and i CRY
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
ashe & dedue's A support convo. god. "Dedue... Your cooking is... delicious. It really is..." just tears streaming down my face uncontrollably. Bonus points for making me tear up every time i rewatch that scene haha
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy IX
"I hate Kuja a lot. But I hate Brahne a lot, too... so much that I wanted this to happen to her.
I should be happy, but... Once I saw Dagger started to cry, I didn't know how I should feel. I kind of wanted to cry, too..."
Fire Emblem: Awakening
Fire Emblem: Awakening
chapter 10 got me good ("don't speak her name" still manages to get an emotional reaction out of me whenever i hear it) but the real tearjerker for me, cheeselover extraordinaire, is the final battle when the bonds with your friends brings you back and Id (Purpose) blasts through the crunchy 3DS speakers and you kick grima's ass. That's the good stuff.
Kingdom Hearts II
Kingdom Hearts II
not ONLY do i have to expose the embarrassment of me crying to kingdom hearts 2 of all things, i ALSO have to admit that it was happy tears during the final scene of the game. on my 2nd playthrough. anyway KH2 owns and utada hikaru is a god
Final Fantasy V Advance
Final Fantasy V Advance
happy tears during the final scene.... hahaha. it was just so sweet!!
the final duet :'| :') :'| :')
Kingdom Hearts III
Kingdom Hearts III
i was under the impression that this was the very final entry in the series so when sora faded away in the ending i was like".....? WHAT???? WHAT THE HELL :'(" and then the after-credit scenes played and he was perfectly fine lol. It would be cool if he was gone for good though. I don't hate sora i would just love the drama.
Octopath Traveler
Octopath Traveler
Tell me... Prim...
Were we...
Were we... friends?
Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP
Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP
might have cried a little at the ending.... don't tell anyone.
Pokémon Gold Version
Pokémon Gold Version
maybe this doesn't count but when i was like 10 my friend who borrowed the game for like 15 minutes managed to make a new file and save over my old one i spent countless hours and love on. And i cried and decided i would never lend my game to anyone ever again. And then the same thing happened with different people 2 more times for some reason.


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