this game kicks ass but you have to make it yourself which can be kind of time consuming
I recommend the works of balthazar + team z2, ohmsby, and brergrsart

demo'd this game a while back
it's aight
the funny frog is in it (based)

this game's rad but it's trapped on the wii (liscenseing is hell)

game is neat
characters are also neat
it's kinda jank tho

this game fucks dude
i wanna learn it (this never happens)
characters are fun, music slaps, matt & woolie are in it
what's not to love

gameplay is unremarkable but the MUSIC
it's so fucking good dude

yeah i know this franchise is a joke at this point but the first one's still good and if you disagree with me you're wrong

this game's really good nintendo please rerelease

good shit toby fox, very excited to see where you're taking this

I like this game but playing it makes me angry and I haven't played it in weeks

enjoyed what I played but I don't think I'll go back to it anytime soon

good game but I prefer newer pokemon games (sue me) (I feel basically the same way about almost every other pre gen 6 pokemon game)

the only shooting game that's ever kept me playing
I'm shit at it and haven't played it recently but I still adore this game

I've played this a few times but I've never managed to get into it and that's not gonna change anytime soon