this game could be amazing becasue the visual ideas and all the 2d animations are beautiful but the in game stuff is so bad sometime. texures on models load in all fuzzy and stay that way. the timing with visual and music is so very clunky, the movment is super weird on the 3d animation, and just over all needed more time and if it used more time to refine it could have been one of my favorite games of all time.

just lost like at the same spots even when trying to do differnt things but will come back someday


think i just need to come back and ill enjoy it more


seems cool just need to get more into it i think

just couldnt get into it but looks really good and seems really interesting

really fun and nostalgic game just the controls at some points like clankers cavern are so difficult to play


almost all chracters have like 100 different moves depending on each 8 directions on the stick and thats just a little much for me but hopefully some day i can get into since it seems cool

i hope for either a sequel or big updates. but an amazing game that i played till there was nothing left to do just amazing

one of the best story games i have ever played. this game is just so interesting with the characters and the plot it so intrieging that you just keep playing. there is so much to understand about the world and so much characters that you get to see its just amazing

controls are a little clunky on pc even with controllers so its a little hard for me to do all the things i need to BUT, the game is really fun with the music and then fast paced nature of it just need to get better at the movement and it probably will be a lot more fun

this game is even better than the first and the first already did a lot right. the environments feel so much more real even being a linear style of progression the world feels more open and beautiful. the story is also a lot better in this game too since you connect with the characters in this one better through interactions and its just really good

this game is amazing style and atmosphere wise. the entire game is very intreeging with its enviroments and characters. the game also can get really tense in some moments which just makes it a really good horror game too that isnt too scary but still has some edge to it. really really enjoyed this game.