just lost like at the same spots even when trying to do differnt things but will come back someday

this game could be amazing becasue the visual ideas and all the 2d animations are beautiful but the in game stuff is so bad sometime. texures on models load in all fuzzy and stay that way. the timing with visual and music is so very clunky, the movment is super weird on the 3d animation, and just over all needed more time and if it used more time to refine it could have been one of my favorite games of all time.

not bad its pretty alright for the game it is just wish it had a little more content.

really sweet game. just a relaxing game to play whenever you have nothing else to do and appeals to most people. definitely recommend

this game is a lot better in the content aspect than the first game. just a better game in general.

this game is a really awesome platformer. the games music is really good and visuals are a really cool style i just have a hard time with the controls. might just be a me thing tho.

top 5 games that i love so much. this game is just so much fun to start a world and just not stop playing until i beat it. i would give it 5 stars but i also know that this game is hard to get into sicne it have a lot and nothing at the same time when you dont know what to do. but if you feel like trying to get through it you will find an amazing game with so much to do.

when i first played this game i enjoyed it to a point i mainly just talked to friends while playing this in the background since there isnt that much you need to concentraite action wise. but when i came back to this game after sinking 22.3 hours into it my save was gone and the only thing that was left was a save that says ive been playing for 8 hours. just really disappointing since i wanted to just play it as a game where i can go numb but now i cant even do that.

its fine like it has a lot of content item wise but there is not much to do while in the flying state like you can in the second game since you just enable your thrusters and just sit there. theres no real straegy other than spending the money since you are only trying to go up and nothing else. this game also has a lot of micro transactions which is fine sicne the game is free but its really hard to beat some challenges when some things are locked behind a pay wall.

this is one of the best rpg maker games ive played. the story to this is so amazing since the ability to connect with the main character is so well done that you feel for them the entire time. this game did make me cry at the end and no other game has made me feel the same way

this is one of my favorite games ive ever played. when i first started it i got stuck and bored and shelved it for a while but i came back to it and played it till i 100% it since it was just so much fun im exctied for silk song and hope it comes out soon since i really enjoyed this game a lot

this game is even better than the first and the first already did a lot right. the environments feel so much more real even being a linear style of progression the world feels more open and beautiful. the story is also a lot better in this game too since you connect with the characters in this one better through interactions and its just really good

controls are a little clunky on pc even with controllers so its a little hard for me to do all the things i need to BUT, the game is really fun with the music and then fast paced nature of it just need to get better at the movement and it probably will be a lot more fun

one of the best story games i have ever played. this game is just so interesting with the characters and the plot it so intrieging that you just keep playing. there is so much to understand about the world and so much characters that you get to see its just amazing