26 reviews liked by bronsexual

I have no clue if this is still the last bastion of our culture war or if it’s too woke now so I’m giving it a 5/10 to average those two possibilities out

Crazy how this came out two generations ago and action games still haven't figured out the importance of vocals kicking in during the final phase of a boss fight

projared gave it a 4 out of 10 but he cheated on his wife

this game taught my sister the n word and that's not a joke.

Oh my god, I love Fullmetal Alchemist



There ain’t no point to the game bra, all you do is walk around jumping on shit 😭

si manhunt te parece un buen juego de stealth sos un pelotudo seguro te encanta hacer media hora de fila en el supermercado para comprar paquete de tallarines y un agua tambien asi de pelotudo sos

I got into a fistfight with a friend over a pirated dvd of this game back when it came out (didn't have it legit because I didn't really understand the diference between buying it in the local video store and a legit store) and we beat the absolute shit out of each other at 14 years. I would give it a higher score but fucking Federico chipped me a tooth and had this fucked up fang for like 10 years until I removed it last year, which in turn cured my sinusitis that I didn't even know I had because the teeth had actually been punched inside by some milimiters and blocked a portion of my nose cavity. The fucker ended up being like 3-4 cms long and had to get local anesthesia to remove it and still have a scar inside my mouth for it. At least I got him in the face and he ended up needing stitches which later in his life made him get addicted to drugs because he had a terrible coping mechanism. I still see him from time to time in the local plaza trying to sell weed.

Anyways it's good I guess got it two years ago officially in steam and played it for a bit

1 list liked by bronsexual