To-Review List

Games I have lots of thoughts on and need to replay or just write something about. Currently trying to decide which to go for first.

Outer Wilds
Outer Wilds
This game is incredible but there's something that sort of nags me about it, I think it's in the way the Nomai are written, the way they talk to each other doesn't exactly evoke an ancient spacefaring civilization.
The Last of Us Part II
The Last of Us Part II
Watching the (IMO very mid) TV show gave me a newfound appreciation for the first game, and I think the second one does some really interesting things that elevate it. I feel like much of the discourse surrounding the sequel failed to cohere into genuinely good critique. But I remember not being too keen on Abby's storyline (too long, heavy-handed), so I'll have to replay it.
Death Stranding
Death Stranding
Will definitely have to replay before the sequel; I have some thoughts I could put into a review but not enough to justify it yet.
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
I have even more I want to say about this game, I haven't stopped thinking about it since I posted my first review. Maybe I'll review MGS4 (and possibly even 1) first. I have lots more notes I haven't put together into something coherent yet. But I'll say the more I've thought about this game, the more I'm convinced that it's absolutely miraculous and by far Kojima's best work.
Red Dead Redemption
Red Dead Redemption
Had a review for this posted but wasn't happy with it so I deleted. But I might rewrite it, there was some decent stuff there.
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
I'm not completely satisfied with the reviews I've seen for this game, I feel like there's so, so much that hasn't been said about it yet, similar to how I felt with V. MGS4 and V are super underappreciated compared to the classic first three.
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
I've been trying to write something about Morrowind for ages and I haven't been able to really get started. There's just so much here. I might have to do another playthrough.


1 year ago

No words to be said for Peace Walker?

As for Metal Gear Solid 4, it and V stand as the densest Metal Gear games Hideo Kojima has worked on. Good luck on reviewing it when you get there.

1 year ago

^ Not totally sure how I feel about Peace Walker. I mean it is incredibly dense and masterfully designed as a handheld game I think (and there's all kinds of good info dumps on and nods toward the Cold War and US imperialism), but I really don't have many thoughts about it like I do for 2, 4, and V. My thoughts are basically just "It's really goofy and has probably the most incomprehensible story in a Kojima game, but it's cool and fun." Really to me it feels a nice fun distraction that is largely inconsequential to the greater narrative. V takes the story of Peace Walker and elevates it so much, basically by just destroying everything we came to love in Peace Walker. I pretty much view Peace Walker as a setup for V.

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