Connor must be protected, no matter what.

Not a fan of the combat mechanics, but I'm getting used to them now.


The controls are excruciatingly slow and I could not continue playing.

Cute pixel art style but the gameplay was too repetitive. It was nice to see a smiling young Prince Noctis ;;

Nice to see this game get a remaster. Fun & innovative gameplay. Capcom always delivers. It was also short & sweet, did not overstay its welcome.

It was meant to be meditative & hold a special message, but the gameplay was boring & navigating the environment was a chore.

It was a really enjoyable little adventure game. The story was interesting & immersive.

Lord above, this game had me bawling at the end. I knew what would happen. But still, I could not hold back my adult tears.
Zack deserves the world. It was precious to see his relationships and interactions with others.

I found out that choices have no impact on the ending, so I did not feel motivated to continue.

Tried it for laughs, but with no intention to finish it.

The audio is quite jarring. The gameplay would have been better if not for the aiming mechanic and the overall jank of the game. There was a game-breaking bug with a key I didn't pick up from a safe which set me back 2 hours' worth of gameplay. The story wasn't interesting to me either.

Calling this an RPG is an insult to actual RPGs. The humor is cringe, the characters are unlikable, & the story is not as incredible as I was made to believe.

It took me a full playthrough to understand the Junction system, but once I did, I can confidently say this is my favorite old-school/classic Final Fantasy game.
The story can sometimes get whacky, but the characters make up for it.

This is not a silent hill game. If it had been a standalone title, I would have liked it more.