industry honeymoon core

games with outspoken fandoms that were nigh universally acclaimed for a time but have recently gotten a lot more backlash. excluding titles that receive flak which only extends to "aging poorly" because that's a whole other argument that i neither agree with nor care to get into here

not necessarily reflective of my own opinions. open to suggestions/revisions

Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Animal Crossing: New Horizons
BioShock Infinite
BioShock Infinite
Fallout 4
Fallout 4
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog
Wolfenstein: The New Order
Wolfenstein: The New Order
Heavy Rain
Heavy Rain
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
The Simpsons: Hit & Run
The Simpsons: Hit & Run
Gears of War
Gears of War
Tales of Arise
Tales of Arise
Donkey Kong 64
Donkey Kong 64
ain't got no point to the game
Secret of Mana
Secret of Mana
Golden Axe
Golden Axe
Black & White
Black & White


4 months ago

My copy of donkey kong 64 when I've been playing for 9 hours, 59 minutes, and 59 seconds (Gus_Fring_Bomb_Yell.gif)

4 months ago

Would L.A. Noire fit this category?

4 months ago

@umulamahri nah that game was and still is considered pretty good across the board

4 months ago

I remember Fallout 4 being pretty divisive on release. I’d recommend Fez since Braid is already on here and the developer is an infamous dumbass.

4 months ago

Should Super Castlevania IV count or is it in a similar stature of "the vocal displeasure of it has increased, but the game's still favored enough that it can't be included"?

If it's the latter than I think The Simpsons Arcade Game could fit a la the case of SoM, at least from what I've seen.

4 months ago

@crossoffate i considered fez but found that people still generally like it quite a bit despite phil fish being a dickhead. i think that's one that has more so fallen into irrelevancy. same with like, limbo

fallout 4 was controversial among rpg fans at launch but i feel like there's a shitton more bad faith aimed at bethesda in general nowadays. seems like a lot of people are ashamed to even say they like that game

@blazingwaters i considered scv4 but i think it's only certain subsets of the cv fandom that feel it's a mediocre game (and that comes from someone who isn't a big fan of it). the konami arcade games i feel are possible contenders but i'd need to do more research on this tbh. i think this is more a case of the games being forgotten more so than they're being disliked

3 months ago

I really like the concept of this list. For a nominee, I'd suggest Kirby: Canvas Curse. It's the highest rated Kirby game on Metacritic to this day, received well at the time for its innovative touch screen based controls, but is pretty unpopular these days and is regarded as one of the weakest in the series. Not sure if that fits the exact definition you're going for but it was the first that came to my mind after reading the description.

A couple of other games that come to my mind that might fit the list are Pokemon Sun & Moon (perhaps more so than XY), which I think were highly praised as a unique entry into the series, but are pretty disliked these days due to the constant cutscenes and interruptions. They're also the highest rated games of the series on Metacritic; sorta the same case as Canvas Curse, actually, with different detractions.

I'd also throw Uncharted 1 in the mix which was just obliterated by its sequels in every possible way, and has nothing unique to offer in retrospect other than being the first one. But before those existed, it received a lot of praise.
@palpilino oof yeah i'd agree s/m would fit this list even tho the hate is undeserved

3 months ago

@palipilino gonna disagree on all of these honestly. canvas curse is more underplayed than it is underrated (i vividly remember nobody talking about that game even when it was new). pokemon s/m was shat on for wasting time directly out of the gate, and uncharted was barely cared about in any capacity before 2 came out. most people had 0 reaction whatsoever to 2 being announced until they played it. it was a similar situation to killzone 1 -> killzone 2

3 months ago

Where is Skyrim???

3 months ago

Interesting list.
It's not the brightest example but I would maybe add Mortal Kombat Armageddon. It was hyped as the ULTIMATE Mortal Kombat game but as more games came out and years went by, many fans have soured on it for ruining some lore from the previous game (yeah, some people cared about MK lore, apparently), many changes seen as "dumbing down" like the weak as fuck streamlined custom "fatalities" that are basically QTEs and feel like basic moves, the roster with a quintillion characters that somewhat blend together (specially the new ones) and play similarly, the blatant content recycling from Deception, the inferior Konquest/story mode compared to that game, the mid character creation system, the endings, and so on. It had a lot of bells and whistles for sure.

Along with Golden Axe, I've seen much of the same sentiment for Altered Beast. Idk why tho, I think maybe just because of the short length and really being seen more as a tech demo for the Genesis.

3 months ago

Would Overwatch count? I remember people were kinda sour on it even before it was completely dead.

3 months ago

I'd agree with The New Colossus, but The New Order?? The general reaction to TNO was "this is a lot better than we initially thought"

And where exactly you found Gears backlash

3 months ago

well we'll have to agree to disagree on Kirby and Pokemon. Kirby i wasn't "in the know" at the time so i have no idea what the fan reaction (or lack thereof) was, and similarly, i wasn't into the online community when Pokemon SM came out, i just know i was the only person I knew who didn't bother to finish it at the time. but i concede that the sentiment may have been generally more negative than i thought.

but certainly Uncharted selling nearly 3 million copies before its sequel even released is an indicator that it was cared about. i think it's hard to not call it a success in its own right. especially when benchmarking against killzone 2, which it outsold pretty comfortably, even before Among Thieves. (not comparing the quality of K2 vs U1, just their mainstream relevance.)

3 months ago

What's wrong with Braid and I'm not sure what note mist mean?

3 months ago

Chandler, do you think Friends aged poorly?

3 months ago

I'd say Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies would be a great candidate for this list; it reviewed incredibly well with critics when initially released in 2013, but has since garnered a very divisive reputation in the Ace Attorney fandom due to how it effectively backpedalled on a lot of what set its predecessor, Apollo Justice, apart from the crowd (chief among them being the return of Phoenix as the main character).

3 months ago

@sneakytoucan actually, despite being a pack-in title, altered beast got plenty of flak in its time too. i'll look into mk armageddon a little more because i do recall it being gassed up quite a bit and i haven't heard a PEEP about it since mk9

@cakewalking curious why you think that about new colossus. when tno came out it was treated as a much needed return to The Old Way of doing things. now it's hammered on way more for its story and stealth sections. just generally not a very respected game. new colossus never really got much of any buzz from what i recall

@palipilino i'm conflicted here because while those are very real numbers, i was also very firmly engaged with the ps3 at that time, and nobody i knew gave two fucks about uncharted 1. youtubers i watched tilted their head in confusion when uncharted 2 was announced much in the same way as they did when killzone 2 was announced. i played the game at a friend's house and we both thought it was whatever and then we just played cod instead

uncharted was praised by media outlets because it needed to be (what else was there to talk about on the system) but i don't think it's fair to say much of anyone really cared beyond that

@bound_by_art braid was treated as a very smart very original game in its time of release and that opinion just isn't upheld anymore generally. the note is a joke reference to an old video of soulja boy playing it

@hurtingotherppl yeah i'm not going anywhere fucking NEAR a jacuzzi ever again bro

@fizza if i'm not mistaken, dd was only widely praised by critics and was always lukewarm/controversial with fans

3 months ago

oh also, regarding gears: gears of war (even the first one) was a massive phenomenon for the 360. that was like, THE thing to play. now nobody really gives a shit and would adamantly call it mid compared to 2/3 generally

3 months ago

Not sure if it counts for the sake of this list but Black and White speedran the negative reevaluation racket. It definitely had detractors on release but I'd argue that the mainstream narrative on the game got completely overwritten, and it's rare for that to happen in games.

3 months ago

@swiggle do you mean like... the peter molyneux game? surely you don't mean pokemon right? gen 5 might be the MOST beloved in the series at this point if anything

3 months ago

@swiggle scratch that - i did some looking and i didn't realize b&w (lionhead studios) got re-evaluated so hard. it's literally in the wikipedia page lmfao. i suppose that has to count

3 months ago

don't worry boss, i would never mention p*kemon to you without warning

3 months ago

@chandler I remember seeing Gears of war 1 getting shit on all the way back in 2017, this is when people were rally mad about 7th gen design philosophy (not with out some good reason) and how cover based shooters are "hollow skeleton games mechanically".

Though these same people now praise games like Mario Odyssey which like many modern 3d platformers is more focused on the player pressing a lot of buttons in the air surrounded by bland at best level design.

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