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I adore this game. It has a cute blanket covering a dark and depressing story. The battles are fun and engaging. And I got emotional multiple times towards the ending.

Started playing before Pikmin 4 at a friends house and fell in love with the series. It can be challenging, but so satisfying to see the Pikmin work together.

For the most part I am really enjoying this game, I am near the end grinding out side quests. My major complaint is that the beginning was very slow, however once you get a 3rd party member combat becomes much more fun. My other complaint is the lack of control you have over your party members in combat. I wish I could control when I topple the enemy or when I want to heal with a support. By the later end of the game however, I started to really enjoy the combat. The story was engaging throughout and I love all the characters. Overall, solid.

The boss fights were amazing, the EMMI sections were terrifying, and I liked it overall.

Easily the most replayable game I've ever played. It's funny while having quite an emotional story.


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Overall great time, the desert racing frustrated me a lot, especially the final part where you shoot the small pink targets.
The twist that the Precursors are all Ottsels was phenomenal. Perfectly fit the edgy and goofy tone that these games go for. Loved the new weapon upgrades. Particularly the 2nd upgrade for every color made combat so fun. Like Jak II, all of the female characters are very sexualized which I wasn't a huge fan of. I get it's supposed to fit the goofiness, but I can't imagine any of my female friends appreciating it. Finally, I wish that we stuck to the wastelands for the entire game, it would have helped 3 stick out more from II.

Give us Jak 4 cowards!!!

Solid game, some parts were more frustrating than fun (CHECKPOINTS), but overall satisfying to complete. Giving Jak a voice was a great decision. Loved the Jak and Daxter banter, it was funny.

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Oh where to begin. Final Fantasy is a franchise that I got into in 2020 with FF 7: Remake and it has become of of my favorite franchises and I am happy to say that this game did not disappoint.

Starting with the good, I loved the combat. I loved performing perfect dodges, timing magic bursts, and creating my favorite combo of Eikonic abilities. Especially late game when the abilities are fully upgraded and I have all this freedom to use whatever abilities I wanted, Rook's Gambit and Satellite being my favorites. The boss battles were epic and the Eikon battles were just as good, especially Titan! I know people had mixed feelings on the story but I just loved it. I loved the darker tone, I loved seeing villages fall and be rebuilt and especially loved our main characters. Gotta mention the music because it was also fantastic. Of course the boss themes were epic but there were also very pretty pieces that I fell in love with, My Star being and Find the Flame were my favorites.

I've gushed about what I love but there were a few issues I had with the game. By late game I was having a blast customizing my Eikonic abilities, but the combat itself was getting pretty repetitive. For example, there are four major area to explore in FF 16: Sanbreque, Rosaria, Dhalmekia, and the most dangerous, Waloed. The problem is when we get to Waloed, almost all of the enemies and bosses are just stronger reskins of enemies we've already fought. There was also little reason to change Eikons. In many Final Fantasy games there may be a specific item or party member that makes a boss fight more bearable, but in 16 there's almost never a reason to for example, swicth from Phoenix to Bahamut, I vastly prefer Phoenix and there's never a boss where I just GOTTA use Megaflare.

The side quests also got very repetitive by the end. I really wanted to experience everything this game had to offer but by the end I was forcing myself to do side quests because they all became the same thing: NPC needs thing/protection, you fight thing, you fight stronger thing, you talk to NPC again. You do this for every side quest EVERY SINGLE TIME: over and over and over and over and over etc. I just wish there was more variety and there were less enemy reskins.

Overall, fantastic game, I loved it, just got pretty repetitive by the end. Will def 100% at some point.

I also wanted to rank the Eikonic abilities for fun. Ranked based on each unique ability:

7. Ramuh: Blind Justice slows the combat to a halt, I need my fast paced battles.
6. Bahamut: Similar issue, but you can still perfect dodge while charging Megaflare with Wings of Light.
5. Odin: Charging Zanetsuken is actually pretty fun, but most of time I felt like I was forcing myself to use Arm of Darkness rather than wanting to use it.
4. Phoenix: I actually really like Phoenix Shift, it's fast paced and satisfying, but it's a bit simple to go higher than 4.
3. Garuda: Deadly Embrace is so fun to use on boss fights, it's super cinematic and fun.
2. Shiva: I'm biased toward ice abilities, also timing cold snap to freeze a bunch a enemies for a while is amazing.
1. Titan: Titanic Counters are the most satisfying thing in this game I LOVE it.
P.S. I'll add Leviathan when I play Rising Tide.

Played this after Remake on Switch. Cloud and Aerith are actually my two favorite video game characters. Beautiful story that hits ya in the feels.

My favorite strategy game. Every Pikmin had unique uses that made for a fun and rewarding experience. The Dandori Challenges were also great tests of skill.

Loved it. The Rock and Winged Pikmin are awesome additions and the three captains make for really fun strategy.

The games, great. The collection itself, not so great. I understand limiting the production of physical copies, but there is no reason to take it off the eshop. However, this was my first time finishing 64 and my only realistic way of playing Sunshine. This was like my 5th replay of Galaxy.
64: 4/5
Sunshine: 3/5
Galaxy: 5/5

I really liked this game. The graphics and music are beutiful, and the story has great emotion. I was not a big fan of the gameplay, especially combat. I also wish there was some kind of autosave, there were way to many times were I forgot to set a checkpoint and lost many minutes of progress.