Rough, but that blocky cyberpunk world is hard to forget.

Fucked up checkpoint system but this, this is just the best. Even more surreal and bleak than the first one.

Whole game looks like visual vomit. I don't like it.

Gears online was some ghetto shit.

Feels a little floaty as 3D fighting games go, but the music and overall aesthetic show that this game has character.

Nails the comic book aesthetic (every other Spider-Man game since feels like watching a Law & Order episode). Really simple-kind-of fun gameplay. Funny voice acting too!

I'm not gonna say some brokebrain "peak slav kino" shit over this game but it has a pretty comfy atmosphere and endearing world.

Swinging's unlike anything you've ever seen. Rest of the game feels pretty much like filler.

Shit's so boring and slow. I hate it.

Feels like reading a book. Good stuff.

Feels completely off to play on controller: the aiming is just very 'drifty', for lack of a better term. Might give it a whirl on PC if I get the chance.

This piece of shit doesn't even let me skip the cutscenes. Trash.