I'm loving all those lounge tracks. The driving is pretty slick too btw

It fucking sucks lol, got deceived by that cool ass cover art

Closest game to resemble a headache (that's not a bad thing)

They absolutely cucked the soundtrack but otherwise fantastic.

Unironically closest game to resemble a religious experience.

J.King-Spooner might be a Scotsman (cringe) but this game is pretty unique.

All my mutuals love this game so I'll just say it's better than Simon's Quest

Witnessing BioWare writing burnout in real time. Good, sometimes.

Fucking up people in this game feels great. Gotta apreciate the fact that they kept it "open-world-less" amidst endless open world tripe too.

Painfully overlooked, colorful, a little strange too, beat em up. Capcom don't make em like they use to.

"Boss, you killed a child...?

Quite possibly the funniest game to have ever come out.