One of the best facebook games,that title doesn't hold up a lot of weight tbh

Konami will never understand what made games like pes 2013,2012 or 2006 so good and ever since they changed to fox engine things are going on a downward spiral and this is the pinnacle of it,the biggest insult to what pes was and it fans.

Something i dont get is that some people say that the gameplay of modern pes (fox engine)is good,no,the gameplay of those games are garbage and this one is even worse,pes 2013 gameplay was so good because even if it was realistic,it was still fluid and fun,this insult has the most unfluid and unfun gameplay i've seen on ANY game,there is no game that my blood boils the quicker and the harder than this game,THE PLAYERS JUST DONT FUCKING MOVE AND IS NEAR IMPOSSIBLE TO CONTROL THE FUCKING BALL.

This game some of the worst scripting i've seen on a football game and apart from the "revival of online master league" that already is an insult that since is just myclub (shitty ultimate team ripoff) with extra steps,it has literally nothing going for it,they kill the gamemodes that made pes (master league and become a legend) for this garbage.

This is by far the worst football game ever,10 times worse than any fox engine pes and that is saying a lot since i despise fox engine pes (specially the gameplay),this game is an insult to all the pes fans in the world and the only game that i despise to a personal level,this is by far the worst game of all time.

Walking simulator ultra mediocre que empieza con unos diálogos chulísimos y acaba por no contar nada.


The last good pes (fuck fox engine era) and what a way to go,being the best football game of all time,it improves massively in gameplay making it the best football game for gameplay aspect and it has the best online out of any football game,online master league.Amazing gamemodes,amazing gameplay,amazing soundtrack,amazing everything

I dont understand why some people are calling this the best bf,the gameplay is honestly awful,the map design is mediocre,there is no customization,there are barely stuff to use in the multiplayer and the campaign isn't as funny as people make it out to be

This game has awful map design,mediocre gun play and is really badly balanced,the only reason im not give in it a lower score is because the graphics are the best i've seen in a multiplayer shooter,the intro scene is amazing and it has a good amount of stuff in multiplayer.

Probably the best cod,that is not saying much tbh

Genre Killer

My hatred for this game is kinda personal because thanks to this garbage people who play pes stop playing and start playing fifa, this is what probably killed football videogames and started the ea lazy garbage,and that is sad because i loved pes and even some fifa too (13,17) but because pes didn't try, EA got comfortable and start putting the same fucking game every year.

Pes 2014 is a disaster on every single possible front,every thing that a football game want to be this lack.The graphics are trash,the gameplay is really boring and robotic (is weird because the game previous to this pes 2013 is probably the best football game ever and it has the best gameplay out of all of them) and the gamemodes are basic af.The only decent thing that this game has is the online,which is the same from 2013 (which is good because that game has the best online out of all football games)

This game is what killed pes because every game after this they werent doing what we want (gamemodes) and they started to ripoff the garbage mode that is ultimate team and ONLY "improve" gameplay for 6 years until pes 2020 came out,and even then the gamemodes improvents were fairly small.

This game is the definition of a genre killer

EDit:this review should go to fallout 76,i was a little to harsh on this

Franchise killer

Wow this horrible i am so disappointed after loving fallout 3,2 and new vegas SO MUCH i consider fallout new vegas my second favorite game ever and 2 a 10/10,but this garbage take out everything that make that game good,and replace it with nothing.

I think they,no joke,take out 20 mechanics from new vegas and put like 5 new or at least that how it feels because this game is so empty in every aspect,the world is boring and empty,the missions are repetitive and are like 5 types of missions,the story and characters are trash af,the s.p.e.c.i.a.l sistem that replaced skills is garbage,the shooting mechanics are mediocre and the only reason this game gives me for playing it is because is a fallout game at least on the looks.

The only reason im not given this a lower score is because the graphics looks nice and because it has the really good looking fallout aesthetics.

Maybe for some people this game didn't kill fallout,but,if this is the way that the fallout franchise is gonna go,then this franchise is dead in my eyes.

The definition of a waste of time

the game is just flawed on it's bases so hard that no matter how many things they add (car,clothes,etc) the game is just flawed fundamentally and deserves the half star,I have a lot of nostalgia for this game and i still think is garbage and a giant waste of time,the only good things are that it has amazing personalization and it has the community made activities (im not counting things that already come with gta 5).

A overrated stepdown from the first one

This game is literally a stepdown on every single aspect from the original.The story is worse,the characters feel less interesting major villains just die out of nowhere and i it just feels really dissapointing. And judging it on its own its pretty decent but is really overrated and it feels incomplete.

Multiplayer Perfection
This multiplayer game has no flaws (apart from the bots and some balancing issues).
I remember when i was a kid i used to imagine a perfect fps game (yes i did that) i used to think something like "imagine being invisible and being able to use customes on a multiplayer game" or "imagine being launched in the air and raining rockets on the enemies" years later and here i have it in my face the game i always wanted.Apart from the perfect gameplay the community is probably my favorite community out of any game i have ever played and this game wouldn't be at all the same without it.This is the game i always dream of and it exist.

It has the best story and characters out of all the persona games but it has the worst gampelay by far.

My first dark souls game,i didn't make a good impresion at all,this game barely has story and the gameplay isn't that deep as people make it out to be,the biggest appeal of this game i guess is the difficulty,but because you are making your game hard doesn't mean you are making it fun or interesting.this game is just boring and pretentious,it doesn't have one thing that i think is really good.i am hoping that the other souls games aren't as uninteresting and repetitive as this one.

The single most overrated game of all time.its a average puzzle game,with below average story and there are barely characters