Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater with a yo-yo, a very chill platformer that you can make as difficult as you want it to be with all the movement options at your disposal.

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Grief is an ocean, grief is powerful, grief will take so much from you and give you so much in return if you let it.

Soundtrack is phenomenal. The last month of the game is peak anime and the many hours of time I put into this game were more than worth it. I especially enjoyed the social links and their finales.

Tartarus suuuuuuucked though, it made the game drag so hard in so many places and it’s probably my only gripe with the game.

Still a 5/5 for me though.

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Personally the game got kind of old and I fell off this HARD, but I picked it back up again on a snowy weekend and was determined to see it through to the end. Full disclosure, I never played Breath of the Wild (should I? I feel like it’s too late now)

This is one of the best games of all time, there is absolutely no question about it. The fact that this game runs as well as it does on the Switch with what it’s pulling off between Ultrahand and the Rewind ability, I can’t even begin to imagine how this is all possible in a giant open world game. If I even began to describe what was possible in this game to myself like 5 years ago, I wouldn’t believe it at all.

I genuinely thought the story in this game and the way it all unfolds was incredible. Getting all of the dragon tears and finding out that this entire time Zelda was a dragon in the sky with the Master Sword lodged in her head waiting for Link is an unforgettable gaming moment for me. Seeing how that all plays out in the end with fighting Dragon Ganon in the sky with Dragon Zelda helping you was the coolest ending I could’ve asked for. I don’t know how they can explain her turning back to normal but I don’t care, what a wholesome ending.

I am so glad I picked this back up. What a game!


I’m gonna text my parents :’(

Played this game almost entirely on the Steam Deck and it reminded me so much of playing epic RPG games on Gameboy / Nintendo DS, it felt magical at times.

I didn’t play the first game, so I took a chance when I heard this was a great and it lived up to the mild hype it had.

The things that stood out the most to me were the soundtrack, travel banter between travelers and the break system. The soundtrack is one of the best soundtracks in an RPG game, hands down. Yasunori Nishiki knocked it out of the fucking park over and over. Entering a new area means new music, and switching between night / day to enjoy both versions of any given track is an absolute treat. The travel banter reminded me of one of my favorite RPGs, Tales of Symphonia which had a similar feature. It’s a small thing without any voiceover but it makes these characters have so much more personality than they already get from their respective stories. It hyped me up so much every time the music would transition from the pre-boss encounter to the actual fight and the battle theme started playing, it hit every time. The battle / break system here makes for some really strategic decisions. Each fight can become a puzzle and with the bosses adding their own gimmicks it all works together pretty well from start to finish. Each character feels impactful in a fight and it’s not just “do big damage with everyone every turn”.

This is the most open world turn based RPG I’ve played and I will be buying Octopath 3 on release date, no questions asked.

Also Agnea had the best story, don’t @ me.

Is it my favorite game ever? Nah.
Is it a fantastic game and probably the best role playing game ever made? Yeah.

Overall I think my issues with the game might just be my own issues with how D&D works, this game is a nightmare in the beginning without a proper tutorial. If I hadn’t played D&D a few times before jumping in I think I would’ve bounced off it immediately.

I played this completely co-cop with my partner and it had some of the highest highs in a gaming experience. Play this with a group to the end if you can, it is so much more fun talking decisions over with someone else and seeing what shenanigans you can pull off together. I struggled to find the fun in certain stretches because there is just simply too much choice, too much going on at times. Act 3 especially is overwhelming after the absolute epic finale of Act 2 where it finally feels like the end is in sight.

BUT, this game rules at the end of the day. It’s remarkable that it exists, when I think about the amount of work that goes into it I feel inspired, these are some of the best characters in video games, period.

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I love this game to death.

After rolling credits I started NG+ and was already delighted to be back at the beginning again. There are countless things I can point to that felt almost copy and pasted from other FromSoftware games but I won’t explain how they’re similar, I just want to gush about the game.

The combat centering itself around weaving in dodges and parries makes each encounter a flow chart of choices that you get to make depending on so many options you have at your disposal. It is daunting at first, the game asks a lot of you to be constantly trying to perfect parry or block and weave in attacks to heal but getting comfortable with this pays off majorly in every single combat encounter you have in this game, whether it’s a boss or a regular enemy.

The weapon creation system is incredible. Because upgrades are tied to the weapon head, there is a lot less risk with spending upgrade materials for the many different types of weapons they throw at you. You can always swap it and create it into something else before potentially finding a new favorite. The boss ergo weapons are all unique and fun to use, the Two Dragon’s Sword could’ve been the only weapon in the entire game and I would still give this a 5/5.

A few bosses feel kind of janky (mostly the Black Rabbit Brotherhood fights) but each boss fight is memorable and unique and epic in their own right. There are lots of bosses that can become gatekeepers of progress but that just makes finally taking them down that much more fulfilling.

The story they tell with Pinocchio as a framework is honestly pretty good too! What starts as puppets gone mad becomes humans turning into monsters and then they kind of just put them both together and it works so well. There are lots of item descriptions to read over for lore tidbits but they also put most of the real important stuff as collectibles that aren’t super hidden, so you don’t have to watch an hour long VaatiVidya movie to get the gist of what’s going on (but there is still lots of to uncover for sure). I cannot wait to see what they do next with the freaking Wizard of Oz.

I just want more and I will play more of it. If you are a fan of FromSoftware games (especially Sekiro) you owe it to yourself to play this game.

Things I didn’t like,
- The tutorial pop up explanations could be a bit more clear with what they’re telling you
- Why did they call it the P-Organ???
- The gold coin fruit tree thing was just not good, especially if you’re not using specters
- The female character designs could’ve been so so so much better, Sophia especially deserved better in the end

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It’s a spiral! 😱😱😱

Not a perfect game by any means but an unforgettable survivor horror experience. The story had me hooked the moment my naked ass stood up on that beach and by the end I just wanted more of it. Here’s hoping I don’t have to wait 10+ years for Alan Wake 3 but I know it’ll be worth the wait.


The game itself takes a bit to get going but once it's going, it's great.

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🤖Dios mio, what have you done? 🤖

The story is fantastic and feels like a genuine good creepy pasta come to life in playable form. Every time a cut scene began I was PUMPED to see what they pulled off with the simple art style.

I do think chapters 2 and 3 are a full step above chapter 1 in terms of gameplay and quality, but chapter 1 sets such a good foundation to build upon in the next chapters and it’s short.

Play this game for the vibes, play it because it’s good.

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FromSoftware games hit different, but the way they hit is why I keep coming back. Really enjoyed it, I think the difficult spikes are a little out of no where, especially later on, but I will be slowly enjoy NG+ and NG++ for months to come.


A game about abandoning your home, returning, and saving what matters most. I loved this game, it made me laugh and it made me cry.

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The fact that they tempt you to kill a dog in this game takes it down a full point, fuck that.

This game has a lot of things that are potentially great and I'd like to see them expand on. Interactable and movable objects, unique abilities for each character and the variety in quick time events are great. However, in this game sometimes those features are the games biggest issue. This game has a small cast and some of the quick time events / decisions you have to make in the moment are unforgiving as hell. If you miss one single button press in the heartbeat quick time event, that means the character will just die. I know this has been a thing in other games, but with a small cast and playing this with others, losing your character to a miss button press or making a 50/50 guess on a decision really does suck. Especially because one character, on the first chance you get to play her, can die on the only decision she gets the option to make in her chapter. It might be the nature of the Saw hotel you're trapped in, but I just didn't think this game was very fair.

The story itself is great, I think this is the scariest of the Supermassive Games released so far. I hope that them pumping these games out so quickly doesn't continue to be to the detriment of the quality of the games themselves, but there were definitely a few glaring bugs and issues with this game that I think could've been hashed out if they just had more time to work on it.

Really enjoyed this one. I think sometimes the main story is a bit meh but the side quests, accessibility settings and the overall narrative are incredible and deserve all the praise in the world.

If you loved Obra Dinn, you are going to love Golden Idol. If it was just a tiny bit longer and some of the context clues for a few chapters made a little more sense to me personally, it’d be a 5.