172 Reviews liked by coap

very very well designed puzzles the game.
just difficult enough to make you feel really smart while also being easy enough where you are never taking that long on a single puzzle.
hats off to the level designers truly some genius stuff here

i would drag my nuts through 8 miles of broken glass if it meant tifa would grant me direct eye contact for a mere 5 seconds

i got 3 strikes in a row at the bowling alley and was rewarded with a chicken who managed my real estate empire, netting me billions of dollars in the process

perhaps the greatest game ever made

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Will only be talking about the main game excluding the Yuffie dlc.

So right off the bat this game is absolutely beautiful, character designs and their models, environments and the skyboxes, lighting scenarios and colour work, texturing, visual effects, character animations, camerawork, all of it is fantastic and as someone who recently played the original PS1 game before this its definitely a crazy visual transition.

The one thing that stood out almost more than the visuals was the score, because holy shit it hits so hard when you're fresh off of listening to the basic versions of each track from the original - now fully composed and orchestrated to perfection. The Prelude theme in the main menu is one I'm especially obsessed with since its now my 3rd FF game.

The writing and characters are all very much the same as the remake follows basically the entire script of the original. In this version we get some extra tidbits and interactions (which I appreciate) due to the 'plot device fate ghosts' that appear to extend each area of the Midgar arc, but its so obvious that the writers are using them to add and change things to make this re-telling differ from the OG. It does mess with the pacing though which is kind of annoying after playing the original, and having to slowly crawl through these 'filler' moments just to get to the meaty stuff.

There's probably a large audience that really dislike these changes, since the addition of the ghosts have changed the fates of multiple characters from Avalanche who died during the events of Midgar, as well as Zack which at this point in the story was not supposed to be shown (I don't know if this is a good choice since it detracts from Cloud's character). After killing these ghosts during the ending it has now set up the story of Rebirth to veer away from the original which excites me, but I’m also worried that I won’t get to see all of the story beats I was hoping for to get the remake treatment.

I personally still felt the impact of the sector 7 losses since Jessie (who had much more writing) had a much more drawn out conclusion which I really enjoyed, but I'm not sure if I like or dislike how they've handled these other changes, so I'll have to judge this once the whole story finishes up.

Gameplay was okay, it was pretty average compared to 16 because I feel like it never committed to either an action combo game or turn based rpg, it tried to do both at once but after a while I got used to it. It was nice using the other party members especially Tifa, and using their unique abilities and Limit Breaks with each new weapon kept it fun and refreshing. Materia implementation was okay but nothing special either, just something they added to keep the turn based slo-mo elements relevant. Overall it was nothing that spectacular.

Level design is the same as I experienced in 16 where its basically just a flat boxed arena in each encounter with no real traversal, though I didn't feel like I could get mad at it because I came into FF7 Remake knowing it'd be the same. I do wanna mention the non-action gameplay BECAUSE HOLY FUCK IT CAN GET SLOW. Why does it take the character 50 years to climb ladders, squeeze through tight walkways, pass under overhead debris, or pulling some fucking levers?? This specific aspect fucked with my enjoyment so much its getting half a star removed, and its a shame because I loved the faster paced moments in comparison.

Side quests suck. I'm glad the world building was enhanced during the main story extras because after doing like 3 quests in sector 5 I wanted to tear my eyes out it was that boring.

Voice acting (English) was so good, I'm very satisfied with every interpretation of each character and their amazing performances (especially Barret, Tifa, Sasuke Uchiha and the one guy who talks using motorcycle phrasing)

Sephiroth is really cool and I love seeing more of him. but maybe they should've toned down his inclusion since having him as more of a mystery during Midgar enhanced the few interactions we see in later events in the OG. It felt very fan servicey especially in the last couple of chapters, which is cool for someone who has played that older version but at the same time made it seem cheap and shoehorned in.

Overall it was a good experience I don't regret putting the time into, even though at times it felt like a slog even worse than FF16. FF7 Remake is definitely carried by the original plot and iconic characters, fun dialogue, voice acting, SCORE, and visuals.

3 - 3.5 stars for me, this game could've been shorter. Can't wait for Rebirth though.

edit after a few days of sitting with my thoughts and watching theory content

I can confirm that my opinions on the writing for this game have improved, sure the whispers slowed the pacing of the original story down - but the title of this game isn't a π™‘π™žπ™©π™šπ™§π™–π™‘ remake of the OG but a complete seperate timeline. One common theory is that Sephiroth has gone full meta and is using the power of the lifestream - the whispers after the events of Advent Children to π™§π™šπ™’π™–π™ π™š a reality where Cloud and the party have defied/defeated fate, playing right into Sephiroth's hands in his plan to inact a π™§π™šπ™—π™žπ™§π™©π™ that differs from the way things went during the original timeline he was defeated in.

I'm now heavily invested, all the stuff I mentioned about gameplay still stands but because they're cooking so hard with the story the rating goes up to a 3.5/5.

how the fuck is majima everywhere. how does he keep coming back.

i hit him in the head with a bicycle.
i threw trashcans at him.
i stabbed him multiple times.
i beat him senseless with a pipe.
i slammed him on his neck.
i fucking shot him.
i threw him in a river.

he just keeps coming back. he has grown too powerful. i can’t sleep at night. he’s in my walls.

god help me.

I don't know. Mechanically, Pikmin 2 is the better game, but overall I think I enjoyed my experience with Pikmin 1 more.

At the beginning, I was really enjoying this game. The Pikmin controlled way better, the addition of another captain made management more fun (but fuck you Louie), and I loved the change from ship parts to real world objects. It really adds to the world building and I love all the little Nintendo easter eggs. I truly thought this was going to be my favourite in the series, but as I kept playing I quickly realized how much more the caves took a priority over the overworld in terms of core gameplay and finding treasures.

This was my main gripe I had with Pikmin 4 as I found the caves, while at first were cool, became stale pretty quickly. I would much rather explore the overworld than these damp, dark caves that all look the same. The RNG factor was also something I wasn't a huge fan of as there were a handful of times where I would have 50 of my Pikmin insta-killed by an enemy due spawning right next to it. Fuck you Gatling Groink.

But as much as I complain about the caves, it's still Pikmin. I love exploring this mysterious world with my army of colourful little shits. Now onto Pikmin 3.

I did not finish this and after watching a story + cinematic compilation video of the game's events I don't even want to try playing this past the 2hr mark..

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I now understand why this game is so loved by many.

Having only played FF16 beforehand - going into 7 had me doubting Cloud and him being a compelling character like Clive but I was so wrong. Cloud and all the party members have their own backstories and arcs and I was compelled by basically all of them. (except Cait Sith fuck that dumbass cat I do not care if he said some soppy shit at the end to try and remedy his betrayal)

Sephiroth is cool as fuck and the flashbacks involving him, Cloud and Zack were some of my favourite parts of this story. I also really loved the visuals and what they were going for during the Tifa and Cloud Lifestream sequence (very abstract Evangelion-esque which I'm always into), can't wait to see how they re-envision those scenes in the remake.

Music is iconic and everyone knows it, not much I can say on this that hasn't already been said. Battle theme is such a banger holy shit.

My only gripes were mostly gameplay aspects - but it was expected since I'm kinda new to turn based JRPGs. The limited amount of save options which is a product of the game's time, and things every turn based RPGs have which are RNG aspects (FUCK misses) but hopefully as I play more of this genre I'll come to enjoy that stuff, but for now I'm not really into it.

I came into this game blind, knowing absolutely nothing about it and I'm blown away. I'm not the biggest fan of roguelikes, but a deckbuilding game felt like the perfect mix.

This game was so addicting and I could not put it down. I found the first act of this game amazing and it really pulled me in but the later acts definitely weren't as strong or compelling as the first. That's not to say they were necessarily bad, they just pale in comparison to how great the initial gameplay loop was.

It's hard to talk about this game without diving into spoiler territory, but my expectations were consistently being broken and the amount of twists and turns this game took me through was INSANE. Everyone should experience this game like me, knowing absolutely NOTHING. Play this game.

There's a massive checklist to fulfill when it comes to making a Spider-Man game that is up to the ever-changing standards of modern day gamers. Insomniac aced it with Spider-Man 1 and only improved upon each aspect of the game when they released Miles Morales.

Spider-Man 2 is, at least until we get a third installment, the blueprint for what fans expect from a web-slinging adventure.
From the first moment, you're thrust into an MCU-style cinematic battle between one of the great villains and both the spida guys. The swing is even more refined than the previous titles and has a speed about it that immerses you even more. The wingsuit is a welcome addition as well, helping you traverse NYC with even more style. The movement mechanics are pretty standard for anyone who played first two games.

The combat felt pretty good. There's seemingly no end to the combos you can do with your abilities as both Peter and Miles, especially as you progress through the game and unlock more. You can also be as stealthy as Max Fisher if you want. There are some encounters that feel repetitive but overall, I think that's just the nature of any game that has side quests like collecting Uncle Aaron's old tech. The worst part is entering the hideouts and listening to those muddy water garage door beats in the background. I think Insomniac created an amazing gameplay loop and even though it isn't the most novel anymore, players know that they can expect something refined with a few twists.

The story and characters were fun, but I think a little underwhelming when it truly matters. I thought I had the whole Venom thing figured out at one point but it turned out differently than I thought, and I'm glad. Venom is coveted by so many so it's hard to introduce him in a way that everyone will love. Peter and Miles were great when they interacted. There are a lot of heartfelt moments that I think are written in a believable enough way. Peter and MJs relationship is constantly strained by the existence of Spider-Man, so it's interesting to watch Peter also try to be there for other friends in his life, and Miles. I liked the story and think the setup for SM3 was perfect. There are small things here and there that made me cringe or laugh when maybe I shouldn't have, but it's whatever. I don't think stuff like that should take away from the game as a whole if it's otherwise amazing. I can't wait to see the villains in the next game. I think it'll be special, based on their teasers.

The art and its direction are incredible. There are so many suits to choose from, and the city feels more alive than ever, with the smallest details shining through. Personally, I love a good classic suit like TASM or the Stark suit, but hey, if you want to be SM 2099 or some other Terminator looking spider, there's a suit for you. I think that's remarkable. The cutscenes have so much life to them, graphically. The action cuts are great, but I always think games like this could benefit from being a little more creative or adventurous with the compositions. I'm not asking for some Wes Anderson arthouse shit, but c'mon.

Overall, SM2 is another spectacular addition to the SM franchise and a game that could be enjoyed by people of all ages. Insomniac has truly nailed the formula, in my eyes. But, no matter how good their games are, there's no fucking way I'm buying those Mile Morale's Adidas. They're smoking Grade A crack if they think that suit being in the game was worth whatever payout they got for it.

Godspeed, SPIDA-MAN.



If you like the movies Oldboy, Kill Bill, Ip Man or even John Wick then you will love this game. It embodies that 20v1 scenario where you just beat the shit out of everyone you see and then some.

Loved the concept of ageing on each death and how it increases and decreases stats depending on how old you are. Very unique.

At first I was kinda frustrated at the multiple enemies simultaneously attacking issue, but after some bashing my head against the wall, experimenting with different moves and repositioning to gain more space, the fights started to become more manageable.

This game is very satisfying when it works in your favour and you get into a rythm of parries and dodges, hitting clean ass combos with that amazing sound effect on perfect parries is addicting. The game is very difficult on the master difficulty, but it is very much worth the struggle because the mental payoff of beating the final boss is akin to finishing a souls game for the first time.

Art direction is top notch, Sloclap really leaned into their inspirations from martial arts films and it paid off because every level had an extremely engaging spectacle that will stick with me for a long time. I especially loved the environments during the museum level, they really popped off in the visuals department.

So yeah best fighting game of all time 4/5 stars πŸ’―πŸ™πŸ₯Ά

its just gets better and better till the very end

This was the year I really dove into not only the Mario RPG series, but RPG's as a whole. It's a genre of games I never really played before but have really come to love. With the Mario games in particular being super approachable for someone like me. Every time I play one I'm reminded why I love these games. It's always peak vibes with its wacky storylines, loveable characters and satisfying input-turn-based combat. So after playing the Paper Mario and Mario & Luigi series, it's cool to see how the original laid the foundation for these games.

I played the original for a little bit earlier this year, but didn't get very far. So while I don't have the nostalgia for this game like everyone else, I can appreciate the love and care that went into making this remake as faithful to the original as possible while also giving the graphics a much deserved overhaul. This game is genuinely gorgeous and with the addition of cutscenes it's even more apparent. The pivotal moments, triple moves and boss introductions breathe even more life into the game and really expand upon the story, especially with the extended ending. This game is fantastic and is a must play. I'm glad with this remake even more people will get a chance to experience the greatness that is Super Mario RPG.

I hope with this remake and the Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door remake coming later next year it means we're due for a brand new Mario RPG entry that is more faithful to the originals.

Vondel resurgence map saved this from being a 1 star or less. Absurd how sniper rifles aren't a one shot to the head, it also felt like I was playing at x0.5 speed the entire year. Tragic.