Maybe it’s just I’ve been away from games for a while or I’m just easier to please but this game is a masterpiece. I recognize it’s shortcomings and they’re not enough to think any less of this game. Presentation. Story. Combat (clunky but once you find your way it works). Just a beautiful game from beginning to end. If I had the time I would play it on multiple difficulties and get all the endings too

A nice companion to the game. Combat is frantic and sometimes a little too much. Story was ok. Not much to add

Solid writing and performances but man this game does not respect your time as a player. So many stretched out moments. Gameplay is at the back of the bus here. It’s repetitive, clunky and slow. There was very few moments where I was into it. But eventually once you’re at full strength, the enemies are bullet sponges.

They were able to essentially reboot the game while making it feel like a continuation and improvement on all fronts. The open world isn’t as daunting as other Ubisoft open world games. The travelling was always fulfilling. Halo 1 is a huge inspiration here. Story was okay. Predictable and ended as these usually do. Here’s hoping for more

A fun little platformer that doesn’t overstay it’s welcome while showing you so many cool things the dual sense can do. I fear that most of these things will only be in this game but they sure did some stuff with it.

Miles Morales expands on the OG game 100x. I main lined the story but it was a fantastic, clean story that didn’t feel bloated or overstayed it’s welcome while also feeling like it had real stakes!

Spider-Man 2 can’t come soon enough

Chef 💋
Somehow they managed to perfect the beat em up formula. While the originals hold a special place to my heart its insane that they were able to develop something that stands to those old games nostalgia and all and builds on them tenfold. a must play for any TMNT or beat em up fan


This came just surprised the hell out of me and I have never felt better about playing something. Perfectly length. Combines elements you wouldnt even dream of. I've only heard of this name and that you controlled a cat. THATS IT. So everything that I saw (even with some of it being on the dev's site) caught me by surprise. This is a special ass game and you owe it to yourself to play it.
knock it out in 4 hours give or take.

More post apocalyptic games featuring Nintendo Mascots please.
Loses a half star for the odd difficulty spike on the last boss. Sad to admit I didn’t wanna tarnish this game by spending more time on this boss so I dropped the difficulty when it asked

Cowabunga Collection Marathon - Part 1

It feels Good to finally have this beat but boy that last level. Really make you work for it but then have shredder be a push over. Ending is so odd too haha.
It gets a extra half star for nostalgia reasons. What really breaks this game is the random enemy generation

a good re-creating of the arcade game even with the hardware. what kinda soiled this game for me was the last 2 boss fights.

What a fantastic entry for these games. I’m reviewing this as a GB game and not as a current game. Nevertheless I had fun playing it. They weren’t surprised to throw a tons of stuff at the screen. Love that you can change characters after each level too. What a beautiful surprise!

Better than the arcade game but still a lot of the shortcomings with the difficulty. It’s brutal in that you should only get one shot in and walk away. I do appreciate the enemy variety, level design and length a lot more.

better than the NES counterpart, the animation and movement is so fluid and gorgeous to look at. Hitting feels off though and the difficulty spike comes half way through feeling like this was meant to absorb your quarters (obviously)

Thankfully its a quick romp that with the "enhancements" aka extra lives and such of the Cowabunga collection, it makes it managable

This is a tough one to review because on one hand they made some great improvements over the first GB game. On the other hand they added an extremely unnecessary difficulty spike. Enemies are almost unlimited spawning in some cases and with the bosses, the hit window is minuscule. I really enjoy the first one for what it was and ya they just went too far in trying to make it harder. These stars are for all the good things it did though