Jean Armstrong keeps this from 5 stars tbh

It’s alright, but only once you build a tolerance to its unique brand of bullshit

THE Game for people with extremely small attention spans

In many ways better than the first game, but occasionally frustrating and confusing (ex: the introduction of the 2d sections+the boss battle format)

How to draw manga book [castlevania edition]

Anubis Rex remains undefeated as hardest boss across both versions of the game

Maybe the collectathon should have stayed dead.

Lot of fun, very rewarding to get good at! (Some bs with collectibles notwithstanding)

The english dub is good! [sobs] the english dub is goooood....

Imagine a post-apocalypse, but like... cutesy!

When the final boss is harder than the optional bosses (music slaps though!)

[The following is a review of the FF2 half of this compilation]

Jesus Christ.

The middest game that never ends