this game should be my dream game, Megaman X with rogue like elements, basically everything that i love of video games in one game, sadly this game despite of being a good game overall it feels really uninspired when it comes to level design even if its randomly generated it feels like a missed opportunity, just fine synergies between weapons but horrible bosses, they feel just too broken and not tech like, i would recommend this game if you find it really cheap so you can beat it once

Quien se comio mi tortaaaaaa?

an excellent game that combines the best of platformers like Mario Odyssey and a hat in time and the exploration and world build of Zelda Ocarina and Dark Souls, i totally recommend this hidden gem

trash, i really tried, good story tho

one of my favorite Zelda games now with 60fps and better controls, also you have the chance to play master quest in case you want to suffer, unless you really like this game go for it

I played recently after not playing for year and oh boy those are some bad controls

is a really cool game and I actually love the music and the graphics and the visual art that involves, the aesthetics are flawless but the gameplay is not that great and it falls short to its sequel that its perfection

Best sonic game imo, really good sprite graphics and great controls, really good aesthetics

Played this for thousands of hours, then it got better when pm came but its 4 stars just because the subspace emissary

this game blow my mind the first time I played it

it's a good Zelda game, you can play it anyway you want, i never had to buy any items in the game like old games so the choices are there

straight to the point, i have had the best laughs with my friends playing this game, simple and dumb indeed