to be frank, this game didn't live up to the hype in my opinion, the atmosphere, music and scenery is wonderful and enjoyable and the first chunk of the game was really relaxing and fun. the problem starts with the stealth missions which are awful and poorly designed. the game feels clumsy at times + the writing is really mediocre, but i guess this game is for the easily amused. the cat is cute and does cat stuff but nothing revolutionary.

A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.
What a game. After 0 and 7, this is the next Yakuza game deserving of a 5/5 rating.
The main focus of the game are DREAMS, how to pursue them, what do you need to sacrifice for your dream, the bonds you form with the most unexpected people to fulfill said dream, giving up your dreams so you can pass the torch to someone who can reach their full potential. It's a game that tells us that behind every idealistic facade of a goal or dreams lies sacrifice, emotional damage, bloodshed, betrayal, various dark and unpleasant emotions.
Yakuza 5 combines everyone's destinies to tell the most amazing story. Kiryu's path of sacrificing the thing he holds the dearest, Saejima fighting for his truth and new path in life, twisted with betrayal and sadness, Haruka's starry idol path full of promise but also sacrificing the person she holds dear, Akiyama showing a whole new layer of badassery and Shinada, oh boy, his arc was so emotional I don't understand the hate towards him, I found his story very appealing and relatable.
The battles are smooth, the side missions were tons of fun, especially Haruka's!! I'm sad Saejima always gets the short end of the stick because his missions were tiring and sometimes really boring : ( I'm glad Akiyama got his time to shine and Kiryu got also a bit more of dimension, showing the consequences of his actions overall.
But what makes this game really special is the finale. I cried so much during the ending sequence, I think it's tied with the RGG7 finale. Absolutely wonderful and will definitely cherish this game for a long time.

this game is absolutely phenomenal, dare I say it's even better than any ace attorney. short and sweet, this game doesn't suffer from bad pacing, everything is p straight-forward, the puzzles were just right, no need to rip my hair out or smth, everything went pretty smooth, the music is so good and the character designs are really bright and unique as well as their personalities. i can't go into spoilers because this game just needs to be played blind. one of the rare games that got me so immersed and obsessed to just finish it because the plot is so appealing and makes you just wish to know what's the deal here. 5/5 from me also missile my most beloved doggo <3

okami is a good game all in all. the soundtrack and art is beautiful, the brush mechanic in theory is amazing, more about that later, the whole aesthetic and setting is really good, it's based on shinto japan and early japan mythology and folklore which is so so interesting. BUT, there's a big BUT. idk if it's because i didn't play zelda games and i don't really vibe with that type of game, but this game gets so tedious at times. the controls, pc wise, are really clunky and the brush mechanic is failing in some cases which makes some sections of the game frustrating, the camera is always shifting at a weird angle which makes the platformer levels such a hassle. the story gets dragged out and unneccessary long after defeating orochi and the localization is kinda wanky? i noticed a lot of spelling mistakes while playing + fuck issun and his sexist remarks, instead of being haha funny it was so grating and annoying lmao. the side content doesn't really pay off much, i initially wanted to give this game 3* but this 0.5% is because of the ending which was really good! also ammy is so so cute i want to pet her and hug her she's such an adorable dog i love her.
all in all it's a solid game, i kinda expected a bit more of it because everyone hyped this game A LOT but if nothing you play as an adorable dog and that's all that matters tbh

i started this game because of ''haha lmao lol chaos limp bizkit jack is an asshole'' things, expecting literally nothing of this game except some memey fun times. boy, was I wrong.

I would like to say people did not exaggerate when they said ''game of the century, peak gaming''. the battle system was a bit hard for me, though i felt a great joy after going thru the levels and bosses because i thought a lot while tackling bosses, changing job classes, using various techniques and such. the levels can be a bit overwhelming, esp with no map so i needed to consult guides from time to time, but the atmosphere and the BRILLIANT ost with various old final fantasy references made it all worth.

the game starts of meme-y, but the group dynamic is so genuine and good, I loved all the characters, nothing seemed forced and they just did their thing. by the end, jack definitively became one of my fave final fantasy protags, his self-awareness and realisations really hit home and wrapped everything up neatly. the ending was also really really good, I did this spoiler free review so I can't really elaborate much but everything fell into place and blew my mind, 'til that point I didn't think much of it, but after that? changed my whole experience.
sop > midal midtasy 15

this game gave me that ''games can actually be fun'' feeling after a LONG time. what can I say, this little game simply charmed me ever since the demo dropped.

first of all, machine girl did the music, it's an instant 5/5. secondly, it's absurdly fun, the levels are getting difficult with each story arc but the difficulty is well balanced and there's no sudden difficulty spike. repeating of the levels over and over isn't boring, in fact, it's fun finding new and faster ways to complete them + the music helps a lot!! it's not grating + the quick level reset helps a ton.
i thought the story was some shits and giggles, the dialogue can be cringe but it's endearing in a sense. i felt for the characters and i got invested real quick. i have some achievements, rushes and endings to do, but all in all it's one of my favourite games at this point. i reccommend it to everyone (if you can handle too much anime and pop culture references + a bit of cringy dialogue and voice acting haha)

my opinion about this game shifted as every day passed by and i think this is the most reasonable rating. first of all, this is my first fatal frame game so idk if there's any lore i should know beforehand but nevertheless. the game has really fun combat and setting tbh and i love exploring BUT i think the writing is really mid. ren had potential to be such a good character but they really made him incompetent. yuri is the main character as far as i can tell, but her part was really boring because of the whole backtracking and her personality is a wet mop lol. miu is okay?? though i think i need to play other games to get a better grasp of her but nothing special. the thing that bothered me tho is how come every character looks lowkey the same. miu's mom looks like her twin. it's really silly. also the boob mechanic. i have to laugh boobs do not work like that. but yeah some endings were really nice, i have to do like two more endings and that additional chapter, i'm not really impressed but yeah. buy it on a big sale, otherwise not really worth.


i heard a lot of praises for this game and to be fair, i really thought people overhyped this game too much so i was like, is it really this good and so i decided to finally sit down and play it. words cannot describe how every single person was right about this game, it deserves the praise it got. the visuals are cutesy and nice and the music is excellent, even the unsettling parts were very well done. i cried quite a few times while playing and i'm not the kind of person to cry while playing video games. the story hits close to home, the characters are amazingly written and this is the game i would reccomend to everyone, if they're okay with the various sensitive topics mentioned. truly a 5/5 game for me.

tgaa is a wonderful game. the characters, setting and osts are magnificent. so what is it that makes me prolong this game so much and avoid finishing it? i will be frank, this definitively needed to be a trilogy. the second game has a much stronger plot than the first but it falls flat at the very end of the game. it's rushed, the characterisation makes no sense, everything is so ooc for the sake of just wrapping it all up. EDIT: i finished it minutes ago and asougi carried the game, together with homumiko. the escapades are tons of fun tho!!! really made up for that ''eeeh'' ending.

to be fair i didn't really have many expectations for this game, but after playing tanimura's side and the final chapter, my opinion shifted greatly.
tanimura is honestly a really underrated character, he's so refreshing and i'm a sucker for morally gray detectives. he and shun make a great pair ngl their dynamic is so fun... the requiem chapter wrapped everything neatly and sometimes the game gets so corny and over the top it made me laugh so much several times. the ost is brilliant, maybe another favourite after the y0 ost. i have to admit the game is lacking in several places, for example saejima was a pain to play and kiryu didn't really spark any interest in me, but the pros overweight the cons imo.

honestly this is the best kingdom hearts game, second only to kingdom hearts II

this game made me read dogra magra in japanese gg
excellent game for pretentious taisho era literature enjoyers, the soundtrack and art is very pleasant

the one star is for reiji, since his route was somewhat enjoyable for me. and it's not because he is my type of man.
all in all this game is pretty shitty, the writing is nonexistent, there's incest, which has no impact on the plot? it's like some spanish soap opera and nothing really makes sense and every route is same in core. the protagonist is just a stupid classic personality-less woman, the male leads all fall flat except that one i'm biased of, though he has his fail moments too. anyways i don't reccommend this game.

this game was my raison d'etre when I was 10 years old

versus 13 deserved it's own game instead of this shit honestly