Could be a 5 star game but Crackdown makes me want to have my head smashed with a bat repeatedly

Even with the shitty grind, it's a masterpiece

Worst camera ever put in a game. The underwater section could be in a musem of the worst sections of gaming history

Great game. Wish it was shorter because it gets repetitive. The story is cool. Cave Johnson is easily the best character - and is dubbed by J K Simons, which fitted perfectly

Why would they make such a stupid game

Good game. Kinda short but still fun

Imagine if Wild Rift was even dumber than it already is, with players that, somehow, are more stupid. Not much to expect from a mobile game for kids

I remember once when I was playing the adventure mode for this, the word "devil" was written really big on screen and my father asked what the game was about

It was bundled with my PS3 when I bought it. I've played it once or twice before shelving it until the end of time

A couple of chapters in this make Crackdown from the original look like a joke. Not just once I had the urge to gouge my eyes out with a spoon. Some levels are just too long and tiring. Also, the dogs. Stupid animals put into this game for my misery.

Aside from this, it's a pretty good game. Much better looking than the first, better OST, more weapons. Fun to control characters in different storylines

Kinda stupid to lock maps behind missions in a skate game, but pretty fun

The first time I went to bed only after the sun rose was playing this

My first real Fire Emblem could have been a better one, but it could have been worse too (imagine starting by Fates or DS Shadow Dragon lol)