The crescendo of a pre-Gangnam Style world.

The primordial appeal of doing a long jump.

Owning a WiiU, i felt obliged to preorder the collector's edition with a blue shell statue. I don't even like Mario Kart that much!

When I bought this game on the Wii Virtual Console, I had to move the icon to the last page because the grimacing moon made me uncomfortable. I believe this desire to flirt with unease is what defines early fascinations with horror, and that's the space Majora's Mask occupied in my life.

It has mild Toby Fox contamination and benefits from it. Best one since Black 2/White 2, whatever that means.

In hindsight, this game represents a financial investment I've been beholden to since its release. My heart goes out to all those launch-day Switches smothering under dust.

Quintessentially Sega. I hope they never make another one.

Objectively mint. I will play this game until the day I die.

My soul roams Autumn Plains while I sleep.

In 2021, I moved dorm in my second year of college. My new room was quieter than the last, the only caveat being the brutal concrete walls and ambiguously stained orange carpet. With newfound desk space, I bought a portable crt for a tenner off a guy in the nearby housing estate and carried it in torrential rain. The following month was spent playing the European version of SMT III on my childhood ps2 slim in an empty apartment.

Bennett Foddy taught me how to hang.